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Lezárt fórum  A témát lezárták, nem szerkesztheted a hozzászólásaid, és nem küldhetsz új hozzászólást.  [ 2 hozzászólás ] 
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 Hozzászólás témája: Help pls!
HozzászólásElküldve: 2013.02.04. 19:02 

Csatlakozott: 2013.01.10. 16:41
Hozzászólások: 15
Sziasztok! :D

/* AMX Mod script.
* AMX Rate Manager (rate_manager)
* (c) Copyright 2003 by Marach (marach@phreaker.net, ICQ: 242122535, AIM: marach24, MSN IM: marach24@hotmail.com)
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* This plugin will allow you to restrict clients' cl_updaterate and rate CVARs. You can set maximum and minimum
* cl_updaterate and rate values a client can use when playing on your server. Plugin checks clients' CVARs and
* corrects exceeded CVARs to the limits you set. Local players playing from LAN, players with specific IP and
* players with specific steamID can be excluded from plugin calculations (by ping, IP and steamID). Plugin is able
* to exclude all players belonging to the same network subnet (192.168.15.x for example) if you want to. Exclusion
* by ping, IP and steamID makes it possible to make two groups of clients (excluded clients and normal clients). The
* plugin can then use different bandwith limits for each group. Plugin is also able to limit bandwith of dead players
* by the percent you set. When a player is dead plugin will lower his CVARs by the set percent and restore them back
* when a new round begins. That way you can leave more server's bandwith and CPU power to alive players.
* Usage:
* - open file addons\amx\admin.cfg
* - add these lines to admin.cfg only if you don't like defaults:
* rm_maxupdr <max cl_updaterate>
* rm_minupdr <min cl_updaterate>
* rm_maxrate <max rate>
* rm_minrate <min rate>
* rm_exclmaxupdr <max cl_updaterate>
* rm_exclminupdr <min cl_updaterate>
* rm_exclmaxrate <max rate>
* rm_exclminrate <min rate>
* rm_delay <delay>
* rm_deadratio <ratio>
* rm_localping <ping>
* rm_ignoreip <IP> [IP] [IP] [IP] ...
* rm_ignoresteamid <steamID> [steamID] [steamID] [steamID] ...
* rm_announce <0 or 1>
* rm_hello <0 or 1>
* - save the changes to file admin.cfg :)
* CVAR explanation:
* rm_maxupdr - max cl_updaterate a normal client can have (default 36)
* rm_minupdr - min cl_updaterate a normal client can have (default 12)
* rm_maxrate - max rate and cl_rate a normal client can have (default 9216 = 9kb)
* rm_minrate - min rate and cl_rate a normal client can have (default 3072 = 3kb)
* rm_exclmaxupdr - max cl_updaterate an excluded client can have (default 60)
* rm_exclminupdr - min cl_updaterate an excluded client can have (default 24)
* rm_exclmaxrate - max rate and cl_rate an excluded client can have (default 15360 = 15kb)
* rm_exclminrate - min rate and cl_rate an excluded client can have (default 6144 = 6kb)
* rm_delay - delay in seconds between checking clients (default 20 seconds)
* rm_deadratio - lower dead players net setting to this ratio of default net settings (default 0.4 = 40%)
* rm_localping - plugin will exclude clients who have ping equal or lower than this value (default 0)
* rm_ignoreip - plugin will exclude clients whose IP is listed with this command
* rm_ignoresteamid - plugin will exclude clients whose steamID is listen with this command
* rm_announce - toggle announcing plugin actions on and off (default 1 = on)
* rm_hello - toggle displaying plugin info to connecting players (default 1 = on)
* If you leave defaults (you don't add any lines to admin.cfg) then the plugin will check all clients every 20
* seconds. Plugin will announce and correct if a normal client has cl_updaterate set below 12 or over 36. Plugin
* will do the same if a normal client has rate set below 3072 or over 9216. Excluded clients (either excluded by
* ping or IP) can set their cl_updaterate between 24 and 60, and their rate between 6144 and 15360. Plugin will
* never announce excluded clients going over set limits. Plugin will lower all dead players' net settings to 40%
* of their default net settings and restore them back when new round begins. Example: if a player has cl_updaterate
* set to 30 and rate set to 8000, when he dies plugin will set his cl_updaterate to 18 and rate to 4800. On a new
* round plugin will restore that particular player's cl_updaterate back to 30 and rate back to 8000. By default,
* players with ping 0 will not be calculated (rm_localping default value is 0). By default, plugin will display
* info message to all connecting players.
* Notes:
* - plugin has two parts that can be independently toggled on and off:
* a) net settings restriction - toggle it off by setting rm_delay to 0
* b) dead players bandwith saver - toggle it off by setting rm_deadratio to 1.0
* - set rm_localping to -1 if you want the plugin to take players with ping 0 into calculations
* - using more rm_ignoreip commands adds entries to existing ignore IP list (you steam't make a fresh new list)
* - you can add IP addresses to the ignore IP list using one rm_ignoreip with many IPs specified in one line or
* using more rm_ignoreip commands (to make it more tidy like in below example of custom settings)
* - you can exclude the hole subnet of IPs from plugin calculations by using a letter 'x' when specifying IP
* with rm_ignoreip (look below example of custom settings to see how to do it)
* - player who runs a non-dedicated server and is playing on it can be excluded from plugin calculations by
* adding an entry named 'loopback' to ignore IP list (rm_ignoreip loopback) or by ping
* - using more rm_ignoresteamid commands only adds entries to existing ignore steamID list (you steam't make a fresh
* new list every time use rm_ignoresteamid command)
* - you can add steamIDs to the ignore steamID list using one rm_ignoresteamid with many steamIDs specified in one line
* or using more rm_ignoresteamid commands (to make it more tidy like in below example of custom settings)
* Example of custom plugin settings (admin.cfg):
* rm_maxupdr 40
* rm_minupdr 20
* rm_maxrate 15000
* rm_minrate 5000
* rm_exclmaxupdr 70
* rm_exclminupdr 30
* rm_exclmaxrate 20000
* rm_exclminrate 10000
* rm_delay 30
* rm_deadratio 0.8
* rm_localping 15
* rm_ignoreip loopback
* rm_ignoreip 148.122.5.x 165.12.x.x
* rm_ignoresteamid 627543 1945822 122986
* rm_ignoresteamid 445682
* rm_announce 0
* rm_hello 0
* Plugin will check clients every 30 seconds. If plugin finds cl_updaterate set below 20 or over 50, rate set below
* 5000 or over 15000 on a normal client then plugin will correct it but will not announce it. Excluded players can
* have cl_updaterate set from 30 to 70 and rate set from 10000 to 20000. Dead players will have their cl_updaterate
* and rate set to 80% of their default settings and restored back when alive again. Players with ping 15 or less will
* not be taken into calculation at all. Players having IP,, and player playing
* from loopback (player who's running a non-dedicated server) will not be calculated. All players whose IPs starts with
* 148.122.5. and 165.12. (players belonging to subnets 148.122.5.x and 165.12.x.x) will not be taken into calculation
* at all. Players with steamIDs 627543, 1945822, 122986 and 445682 will be excluded too. No plugin info message will be
* displayed to connecting players.

#include <amxmod>

new origupdr[33], origrate[33], excl[33]
#define MAX_IP 32
new ignip[MAX_IP][32], ippos=0
#define MAX_steamID 128
new ignsteamid[MAX_steamID][32], steamidpos=0

public check_rr() {
new maxupdr=get_cvar_num("rm_maxupdr")
new minupdr=get_cvar_num("rm_minupdr")
new maxrate=get_cvar_num("rm_maxrate")
new minrate=get_cvar_num("rm_minrate")
new announce=get_cvar_num("rm_announce")
new players[32], np, i, playername[32]
new clupdr[8], clrt[16], msg[256]
new tmpupdr, tmprate, cmdexe[32]
get_players(players, np, "ac")
for(i=0; i<np; i++)
if ((players[i]!=0)&&(!is_user_hltv(players[i]))) {
get_user_ping(players[i], tmpupdr, tmprate)
if ((tmpupdr>get_cvar_num("rm_localping"))&&(excl[players[i]]==0)) {
get_user_info(players[i], "cl_updaterate", clupdr, 7)
get_user_info(players[i], "rate", clrt, 15)
if (announce)
if (tmpupdr>maxupdr) {
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_updaterate %i", maxupdr)
client_cmd(players[i], cmdexe)
if (announce) {
format(msg, 255, "* [AMX_RM] %s set 'cl_updaterate' to '%i' (max '%i') - blocked by plugin !", playername, tmpupdr, maxupdr)
client_print(0, print_chat, msg)
if (tmpupdr<minupdr) {
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_updaterate %i", minupdr)
client_cmd(players[i], cmdexe)
if (announce) {
format(msg, 255, "* [AMX_RM] %s set 'cl_updaterate' to '%i' (min '%i') - blocked by plugin !", playername, tmpupdr, minupdr)
client_print(0, print_chat, msg)
if (tmprate>maxrate) {
format(cmdexe, 31, "rate %i", maxrate)
client_cmd(players[i], cmdexe)
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_rate %i", maxrate)
client_cmd(players[i], cmdexe)
if (announce) {
format(msg, 255, "* [AMX_RM] %s set 'rate' to '%i' (max '%i') - blocked by plugin !", playername, tmprate, maxrate)
client_print(0, print_chat, msg)
if (tmprate<minrate) {
format(cmdexe, 31, "rate %i", minrate)
client_cmd(players[i], cmdexe)
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_rate %i", minrate)
client_cmd(players[i], cmdexe)
if (announce) {
format(msg, 255, "* [AMX_RM] %s set 'rate' to '%i' (min '%i') - blocked by plugin !", playername, tmprate, minrate)
client_print(0, print_chat, msg)
new Float:freq=get_cvar_float("rm_delay")
if (freq > 0.0) set_task(freq, "check_rr")

public alive_again(id) {
if ((is_user_bot(id))||(is_user_hltv(id)))
if (excl[id]==1)
new Float:ratio=get_cvar_float("rm_deadratio")
if (ratio==1.0)
new ping, loss
get_user_ping(id, ping, loss)
if (ping>get_cvar_num("rm_localping")) {
new cmdexe[32]
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_updaterate %i", origupdr[id])
client_cmd(id, cmdexe)
format(cmdexe, 31, "rate %i", origrate[id])
client_cmd(id, cmdexe)
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_rate %i", origrate[id])
client_cmd(id, cmdexe)
if (get_cvar_num("rm_announce")) {
new msg[256]
format(msg, 255, "* [AMX_RM] Your net settings have been restored : 'cl_updaterate' = '%i', 'rate' = '%i'", origupdr[id], origrate[id])
client_print(id, print_chat, msg)

public dead_now() {
new victim=read_data(2)
if ((is_user_bot(victim))||(is_user_hltv(victim)))
if (excl[victim]==1)
new Float:ratio=get_cvar_float("rm_deadratio")
if (ratio==1.0)
new tmpupdr, tmprate
get_user_ping(victim, tmpupdr, tmprate)
if (tmpupdr>get_cvar_num("rm_localping")) {
new cmdexe[32]
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_updaterate %i", tmpupdr)
client_cmd(victim, cmdexe)
format(cmdexe, 31, "rate %i", tmprate)
client_cmd(victim, cmdexe)
format(cmdexe, 31, "cl_rate %i", tmprate)
client_cmd(victim, cmdexe)
if (get_cvar_num("rm_announce")) {
new msg[256]
format(msg, 255, "* [AMX_RM] Your net settings have been lowered : 'cl_updaterate' = '%i', 'rate' = '%i'", tmpupdr, tmprate)
client_print(victim, print_chat, msg)

public ignore_ip(id) {
new argc=read_argc()
if (argc<2) {
console_print(id, "Usage: rm_ignoreip <IP> [IP] [IP] [IP] ...")
for(new i=1; i<argc; i++)
if (ippos<MAX_IP) {
read_argv(i, ignip[ippos], 31)
else {
console_print(id, "* [AMX_RM] Too many IP addresses added to the ignore IP list")

public ignore_steamid(id) {
new argc=read_argc()
if (argc<2) {
console_print(id, "Usage: rm_ignoresteamid <steamID> [steamID] [steamID] [steamID] ...")
new tmp[32]
for(new i=1; i<argc; i++)
if (steamidpos<MAX_steamID) {
read_argv(i, tmp, 31)
copy(ignsteamid[steamidpos], 31, tmp)
else {
console_print(id, "* [AMX_RM] Too many steamIDs added to the ignore steamID list")

public client_connect(id) {
if ((is_user_bot(id))||(is_user_hltv(id)))
new clupdr[8], clrt[16]
get_user_info(id, "cl_updaterate", clupdr, 7)
get_user_info(id, "rate", clrt, 15)
new i
if (ippos>0) {
new userip[32]
get_user_ip(id, userip, 31)
copyc(userip, 31, userip, ':')
new len
for(i=0; i<ippos; i++) {
if (len>-1) {
if (equal(userip, ignip[i], len)) {
else if (equal(userip, ignip[i])) {
if ((steamidpos>0)&&(excl[id]==0)) {
new steamid[32]
get_user_authid(id, steamid, 31)
for(i=0; i<steamidpos; i++)
if (equal(steamid,ignsteamid[i])) {
if (get_cvar_num("rm_hello")==0)
new plgver[16]
get_cvar_string("rate_manager", plgver, 15)
client_cmd(id, "echo ======================================================================")
client_cmd(id, "echo ^"* AMX Rate Manager v%s by Marach, marach@phreaker.net, ICQ: 242122535 *^"", plgver)
new Float:freq=get_cvar_float("rm_delay")
if (freq>0.0) {
new maxupdr=get_cvar_num("rm_maxupdr")
new minupdr=get_cvar_num("rm_minupdr")
new maxrate=get_cvar_num("rm_maxrate")
new minrate=get_cvar_num("rm_minrate")
client_cmd(id, "echo ^" - allowed 'cl_updaterate' range : '%i' - '%i', you have '%i'^"", minupdr, maxupdr, origupdr[id])
client_cmd(id, "echo ^" - allowed 'rate' range : '%i' - '%i', you have '%i'^"", minrate, maxrate, origrate[id])
new Float:ratio=get_cvar_float("rm_deadratio")
if (ratio<1.0)
client_cmd(id, "echo ^" - dead players use %2.0f%%%% of their normal net settings^"", (ratio*100.0))
client_cmd(id, "echo ======================================================================")

public client_disconnect(id) {
if ((is_user_bot(id))||(is_user_hltv(id)))

public set_servercvars() {
new tmp[16]
get_cvar_string("rm_exclmaxupdr", tmp, 15)
set_cvar_string("sv_maxupdaterate", tmp)
get_cvar_string("rm_exclminupdr", tmp, 15)
set_cvar_string("sv_minupdaterate", tmp)
get_cvar_string("rm_exclmaxrate", tmp, 15)
set_cvar_string("sv_maxrate", tmp)
get_cvar_string("rm_exclminrate", tmp, 15)
set_cvar_string("sv_minrate", tmp)
if (get_cvar_num("rm_announce"))
console_print(0, "* [AMX_RM] Bandwith limits for excluded players have been set")

public plugin_init() {
register_plugin("Rate Manager", "1.2", "Marach")
register_cvar("rate_manager", "1.2", FCVAR_SERVER)
register_event("ResetHUD", "alive_again", "be","1=1")
register_cvar("rm_maxupdr", "36")
register_cvar("rm_minupdr", "12")
register_cvar("rm_maxrate", "9216")
register_cvar("rm_minrate", "3072")
register_cvar("rm_exclmaxupdr", "60")
register_cvar("rm_exclminupdr", "24")
register_cvar("rm_exclmaxrate", "15360")
register_cvar("rm_exclminrate", "6144")
register_cvar("rm_delay", "20")
register_cvar("rm_deadratio", "0.4")
register_cvar("rm_localping", "0")
register_cvar("rm_announce", "1")
register_cvar("rm_hello", "1")
register_srvcmd("rm_ignoreip", "ignore_ip")
register_srvcmd("rm_ignoresteamid", "ignore_steamid")
new Float:freq=get_cvar_float("rm_delay")
if (freq>0.0) {
set_task(freq, "check_rr")
set_task(5.0, "set_servercvars")
átírtam erre az adatokra : Crvas :
rm_maxupdr 101
rm_minupdr 80
rm_maxrate 25000
rm_minrate 20000
rm_exclmaxupdr 101
rm_exclminupdr 100
rm_exclmaxrate 30000
rm_exclminrate 25000
rm_delay 35
rm_deadratio 1
rm_announce 1

ezzel mi lehet a baj ? állandóan össze vissza állítja a rétet ... egyszer jó
* [AMX_RM] A netbeallitasaid fixalva lettek a megengedettre : 'cl_updaterate' = '80', 'rate' = '20000
utána rá kb 5 percre meg ezt írja ki .. * [AMX_RM] A netbeallitasaid fixalva lettek a megengedettre : 'cl_updaterate' = '32', 'rate' = '8000'

KÖszi a segítséget .. :))

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 Hozzászólás témája: Re: Help pls!
HozzászólásElküldve: 2013.02.04. 19:06 

Csatlakozott: 2012.02.07. 23:34
Hozzászólások: 2192
Megköszönt másnak: 27 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 55 alkalommal
rossz témanév

[sma]CMD:fear(playerid, params[]){ new str[5]; if(!sscanf(params, "s[5]", str)){ if(egyezik(str, "find")) Msg(playerid, "A-a!");}  return 1;}[/sma]

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