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 Hozzászólás témája: automix
HozzászólásElküldve: 2016.09.04. 17:41 

Csatlakozott: 2013.09.14. 08:21
Hozzászólások: 547
Megköszönt másnak: 95 alkalommal
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  1. [en]
  3. NOT_ADMIN = You are not an admin!
  4. SHOW_SCORE = Score: (Terrorists) %d - %d (Counter-Terrorists)
  5. SHOW_SCORE_TAG = Score: (Team-A) %d - %d (Team-B)
  6. MATCH_NOT_STARTED = A match hasn't started yet!
  7. LOSE_POINTS_TK = You have LOST %d points for Team Killing.
  8. LOSE_POINTS_KNIFE = You have LOST %d points for dieing from a KNIFE
  9. LOSE_POINTS_KILL = You have LOST %d points for dieing!
  10. LOSE_POINTS_LOSE = You have LOST %d points for losing!
  11. GAIN_POINTS_KNIFE = You have GAINED %d points for killing with a KNIFE!
  12. GAIN_POINTS_KILL = You have GAINED %d points for killing!
  13. GAIN_POINTS_PLANT = You have GAINED %d points for Planting the Bomb.
  14. GAIN_POINTS_DEFUSE = You have GAINED %d points for Defusing the Bomb.
  15. GAIN_POINTS_WIN = You have GAINED %d points for winning!
  16. NO_SHIELD = Shield has been disabled on this server!
  17. NO_SHIELD_KNIFEROUND = You can not buy shield on the knife round!
  18. FF_DISABLED = FriendlyFire has been disabled temporarily. Team-Killing may get you BANNED!
  19. FF_WARNING = Warning! Attacking your teammates can get you banned.
  20. FF_WARNING_FINAL = You have been enough warned! Attacking your teammates can get you banned, be aware.
  21. FF_OFF = FriendlyFire will now be OFF until next round.
  22. FF_ON = FriendlyFire is back ON! WARNING: TK may get you BANNED!!!
  23. FF_ANNOYING = If %s is team attacking just to be annoying, use !voteban
  24. FF_EXCEED = You can not vote anymore at this match.
  25. FF_NO_ABUSERS = No players have been detected as abusers!
  26. VOTE_IN_PROGRESS = There is already a vote going on!
  27. BAN_VOTE_SUCCESS = Ban vote succeed.
  28. BAN_VOTE_FAIL = Ban vote failed.
  29. VOTED_TO_BE_BANNED = was voted to be BANNED
  30. VOTED_TO_BAN = %s Voted to be banned for abusing.
  31. AFK_LOGIN = AFK on login.
  32. AFK_KICK = You were kicked for being AFK longer than %i seconds
  33. ADD_TIME_OVER = You've been kicked for not typing !add for %d seconds.
  35. PUG_INI_ERROR = ERROR! Pug.ini file not found.
  36. TEAM_A = Team A
  37. TEAM_B = Team B
  38. TERRORISTS = Terrorists
  39. COUNTER_TERRORISTS = Counter-Terrorists
  40. T_FULL = The Terrorists Team
  41. CT_FULL = The Counter-Terrorists Team
  42. SERVER_PASSWORD_PROTECTED = Server is now password PROTECTED.
  43. SERVER_PASSWORD_REMOVED = Server password has been REMOVED.
  44. SERVER_FULL = Server is FULL!
  45. SHOW_INFO = Check out !cmds for commands, or press M to display the player's menu.
  46. SHOW_INFO_2 = You can also type !mute to mute a player.
  47. KNIFE_ROUND_WON = has won the knife round!
  48. KNIFE_ROUND_WITHDRAW = Knife round is withdrawn! No team has won.
  49. NOT_ENOUGH_TEAMMATES = One of the teams has %d teammates or LESS!
  50. NOT_ENOUGH_TEAMMATES2 = If that team will not gain its teammates back within %d next rounds, the other team will automatically WIN.
  51. T_AUTO_WON = The Terrorists Team has automatically won due to lack of teammates at the rival team.
  52. CT_AUTO_WON = The Counter-Terrorists Team has automatically won due to lack of teammates at the rival team.
  53. NO_TEAM_WON = Teams are equal! Game is withdrawn.
  54. ENDING_MATCH = Ending match in 5 seconds...
  55. SWITCH_TEAMS = 15 Rounds have passed, switching teams!
  56. CLIENT_AFK_KICKED = has been kicked out of the server for being afk on login.
  57. CLIENT_ADD_KICKED = %s have been kicked for not typing !add for %d seconds.
  58. TYPE_READY = Please type !add to be Ready! You will be kicked in %d seconds if you don't type it.
  59. TYPE_READY_HUD = Seconds left! Type !add
  60. MATCH_ALREADY_STARTED = A match has already started!
  61. ALREADY_TYPED_ADD = You have already typed !add
  62. HUD_NOT_READY = Not Ready
  63. HUD_READY = Ready
  64. HUD_PLAYERS_READY = Players are Ready.
  66. YOU_ARE_READY = You are now ready!
  67. HE_IS_READY = %s is now ready!
  68. YOU_ARE_NOT_READY = You are not ready anymore!
  69. ADD_NOT_TYPED = You haven't even typed !add
  70. PLAYERS_LEFT = %d players left to start the match!
  71. MAP_VOTE_BEGINS = Map voting will begin shortly...
  72. TEAMS_VOTE_BEGINS = Teams voting will begin shortly...
  73. ADMINS_ONLY = Only admins can execute that command!
  75. CREDITS_1 = Credits: This Mix Mode was built by p1Mp.
  76. CREDITS_2 = Author contact: (Skype) diegork759
  77. CMDS_1 = Commands: !menu (Press M), !ranks, !cmds, !score
  78. CMDS_2 = !mute, !credits, (Admin Console) amx_automix_settings.
  79. CMDS_3 = !startmatch (ADMINS), !stopmatch (ADMINS)
  80. AUTO_MIX_BY = Auto-Mix (Pug) By: p1Mp - Version %s
  82. CHANGE_MAP = Change map?
  83. EXTEND_MAP = Extend current map
  84. PLEASE_VOTE_MAP = Please vote for the map you'd like to play in.
  85. VOTED_MAP = %s voted for the map %s
  86. VOTED_EXTEND = %s voted to extend the current map.
  87. MAP_FINAL = The map will be changed within 10 seconds. The map that was chosen is: %s.
  88. EXTEND_FINAL = The current map will be extended for this match.
  89. FF_PICK = What would you like FriendlyFire to be? (On/Off)
  90. FF_VOTED_ON = %s voted for FriendlyFire to be: On.
  91. FF_VOTED_OFF = %s voted for FriendlyFire to be: Off.
  92. FF_BE_ON = Friendly Fire will be On!
  93. FF_BE_OFF = Friendly Fire will be Off!
  94. FF_VOTE_START = Friendly Fire vote will now start...
  95. TEAMS_VOTE_START = Teams organization vote will be started in 10 seconds.
  96. PLAYERS_NOT_JOINING = Players are not joining! Match is over...
  97. TEAMS_VOTE_DELAY = Teams organization vote will be delayed in another 15 seconds since everyone hasn't joined in yet.
  98. TEAMS_VOTE_DELAY_HUD = Teams Vote DELAYED - Restarting match in %d Seconds
  99. TEAMS_TITLE = How do you want the teams organized?
  100. SAME_TEAMS = Same teams.
  101. RANDOM_CAPTAINS = Random captains.
  102. RANDOM_TEAMS = Random teams.
  103. TEAMS_PLEASE_VOTE = Please pick the way you'd like the teams to be organized.
  104. NOT_AVAILABLE_WITH_BOTS = That feature is NOT available when there are bots online!
  105. VOTED_SAME = %s voted for: Same teams.
  106. VOTED_CAPTAINS = %s voted for: Random captains.
  107. VOTED_RANDOM = %s voted for: Random teams.
  108. TEAMS_NOT_BALANCED = Teams are not balanced! Randomizing teams in 10 seconds.
  109. TEAMS_WILL_REMAIN_SAME = The teams will remain the same, match will start in 10 seconds.
  110. TEAMS_WILL_BE_CAPTAINS = Random Captains will be chosen in 10 seconds.
  111. TEAMS_WILL_BE_RANDOM = Random teams will be set in 10 seconds.
  112. LESS_PLAYERS_CUSTOM = There are less than 2 players, can not pick 2 captains. Randomizing teams... (Custom Game)
  113. LESS_PLAYERS = There are less than 2 players, restarting match...
  114. RANDOM_CAPTAINS_CHOSEN = Random captains were chosen, The captains will now choose their teammates.
  115. TERROR_CAPTAIN_FIRST = Terrorists's Captain, please choose first.
  116. CAPTAINS_AFK = One of the captains is AFK! Randomizing teams...
  117. CAPTAINS_DISCONNECTED = One of the captains has disconnected! Randomizing Teams...
  118. CAPTAINS_DISCONNECTED_HUD = One of the Captains has LOGGED OUT!^nRandomizing Teams in 5 seconds...
  119. TEAMS_ARE_SET = All teams are set! Match will start in 10 seconds...
  120. TEAMS_ARE_SET_HUD = All teams are set!
  121. CHOOSE_PLAYER = Choose a Player to move to your team:
  122. TERROR_TEAM_FULL = Terrorists Team is FULL! Going back to CT Captain.
  123. CT_TEAM_FULL = Counter-Terrorists Team is FULL! Going back to T Captain.
  124. CHOSEN_IN_TEAM_TERROR = %s was chosen to be in Terrorists Team by %s the Captain.
  125. CHOSEN_IN_TEAM_CT = %s was chosen to be in Counter-Terrorists Team by %s the Captain.
  126. TEAMS_RANDOMIZED = Teams has been randomized! Starting match in 5 seconds...
  127. MATCH_DELAYED = The match will be delayed in 15 seconds. (Minimum 8 PLAYERS).
  128. NO_MINIMUM = There are no longer %d players MINIMUM. Match is starting over.
  129. NO_MINIMUM_CONTINUE = Pre-game settings are now loaded. Please wait...
  130. MIX_SETTINGS_LOADED = Mix settings are now loaded. Please wait...
  131. KNIFE_MENU_TITLE = Do you want to switch teams?
  132. KNIFE_MENU_STAY = Stay
  133. KNIFE_MENU_SWAP = Swap
  134. KNIFE_MENU_VOTED_STAY = You have voted to: Stay.
  135. KNIFE_MENU_VOTED_SWAP = You have voted to: Swap.
  136. KNIFE_MENU_RESULT = Switching teams result is
  137. KNIFE_ROUND_START = Knife round will now start...
  138. KNIFE_ROUND_ATTENTION = Attention! Knife round has NOW started.
  139. MATCH_START = The match has been started...
  141. FIRST_HALF_STARTED = 1st HALF Started. Match is now live...
  142. MATCH_OVER = Match is over! (%d - %d)
  143. MATCH_OVER2 = Match is over! A new match will be started in 10 seconds.
  144. MATCH_OVER3 = You can re-join the next match by typing !add again.
  145. PLUGIN_RESTART = Plugin will restart in 10 seconds.
  147. PLAYER_PERSONAL_INFO = ------------------------------------------^nWelcome to %s^n^nTo start a game, type !add^nPress the 'M' Button ('chooseteam') or type !menu to open the menu.^nYou have %d seconds left to type !add^n^nPlugin scripted by p1Mp^n------------------------------------------
  148. RANKING_TABLE = Match Player Rankings^n-----------------------------^n^n%s has won the Match!^n^nTop Kills - %s [%d Kills]^nTop Deaths - %s [%d Deaths]^nTop Bomb Plants - %s [%d Bomb Plants]^nTop Bomb Defusions - %s [%d Bomb Defusions]^nPug Leaves - %d
  149. RANK_SYSTEM_DISABLED = The Ranks system feature has been disabled on this server!
  150. MENU_BLOCK = %s You can not open the menu right now!
  151. MUTE_MENU_DISABLE = The mute menu option is disabled!
  152. OPTION_NOT_AVAILABLE = Option is not available!
  153. ENTER_POSITIVE_VALUE = You must enter a positive value!
  154. AFK_TIME_WARN = You have %i seconds to move or you will be kicked for being AFK
  155. AFK_KICKED = %s was kicked for being AFK longer than %i seconds
  157. YOU_HAVE_BEEN_WARNED = %s You have been warned! (Team-Kill)
  158. TK_BANNED = %s is BANNED for TK!
  159. TK_WARNING = Warning!!! Team-Killing May Get You Banned!
  160. TK_QUERY = Is %s Annoying?! Type !voteban
  162. DID_A_MINIACE = %s just did a Mini ACE!
  163. DID_AN_ACE = %s just did an ACE!
  164. MATCH_STOPPED = The Match has been stopped ^nby the Admin %s
  165. JUST_KNIFED = %s just KNIFED %s!
  166. KNIFE_ROUND_WINNERS = Knife Round Winners.
  167. KNIFE_ROUND_WITHDRAWN_HUD = Withdraw - Match continues.
  168. LAST_ROUND = Last round has been started.
  169. SECOND_HALF_STARTED = 2nd HALF Started. Match is now live...
  171. CHOOSE_PLAYER_VOTEBAN = Choose a player to vote for ban
  172. BAN = Ban
  173. BOTH = Both
  174. ENABLED = Enabled
  175. DISABLED = Disabled
  176. UP = Up
  177. DOWN = Down
  178. RIGHT = Right
  179. LEFT = Left
  180. BACK = Back
  182. READY_POS_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\wReady Pos Settings:^n\dX Pos: %f^nY Pos: %f\w
  183. NOTREADY_POS_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\wNot Ready Pos Settings:^n\dX Pos: %f^nY Pos: %f\w
  184. FF_MENU_TITLE = Friendly Fire?
  185. RANKS_LIST_MENU_TITLE = Players' Ranks List
  186. SETTINGS_MENU_TITLE = Settings Menu
  187. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM1 = \wMax Players [\y%d\w]
  188. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM2 = Time Left (!add) [\y%d\w seconds]
  189. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM3 = Players List [\y%L\w]
  190. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM4 = FriendlyFire Vote [%s]
  191. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM5 = Knife Round [%s]
  192. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM6 = TK System [%s]
  193. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM7 = Mute Menu [%s]
  194. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM8 = Allow Shield [%s]
  195. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM9 = Maps Vote [%s]
  196. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM10 = Match Rankings [%s]
  197. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM11 = \wTeams Tag [%s]
  198. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM12 = (Mini) Ace Announce [%s]
  199. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM13 = AFK Kick [%s]
  200. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM14 = Ready Pos [\ySettings\w]
  201. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM15 = Not Ready Pos [\ySettings\w]
  202. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM16 = Ranks System [%s]
  203. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM17 = Ranks System Messages [%s]
  204. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM18 = Points Values [\ySettings\w]
  205. SETTINGS_MENU_ITEM19 = Ranks Points Prices [\ySettings\w]
  206. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Points Gains/Loses:^n\dSet to 0 to NOT give/take.
  207. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Killing [\y%d\w]
  208. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Killing w/ Knife [\y%d\w]
  209. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Winning a Match [\y%d\w]
  210. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Playing until the end [\y%d\w]
  211. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Leaves match\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
  212. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM6 = Seconds to return points [\y%d\w]
  213. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM7 = Team Kill\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
  214. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM8 = Bomb Plant [\y%d\w]
  215. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM9 = Bomb Defuse [\y%d\w]
  216. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM10 = Dieing\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
  217. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM11 = Dieing by Knife\d (Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
  218. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM12 = Losing a match \d(Lose)\w [\y%d\w]
  219. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_DIRECTIONS = Please enter in chat the\y value\w of^nhow many\r seconds\w until a player can get ^nhis points back, if left match.^n^nTo cancel press '\r0\w'.
  220. POINTS_PRICES_MENU_DIRECTIONS2 = Please enter in chat the\y value\w of^nthe option you just picked...^n^nTo cancel press '\r0\w'.
  221. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_TITLE = Ranks Points Prices:^n\dUntil these values you will be the rank specified.
  222. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM1 = Beginner
  223. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM2 = Regular
  224. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM3 = Veteran
  225. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM4 = Professional
  226. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM5 = Hardcore
  227. RANKS_PRICES_MENU_ITEM6 = Champion
  228. PLAYERS_MENU_TITLE = \rPlayers menu:
  229. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM1 = Display Commands
  230. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM2 = Be Ready
  231. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM3 = Un Ready
  232. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM4 = Mute a player
  233. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM5 = List of Players' ranks
  234. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM6 = Language
  235. PLAYERS_MENU_ITEM7 = Credits
  236. RANKS_MENU_TITLE = \y[Auto-Mix]\r %s\w's Stats:^n^nPoints: %s^nRank:\r %L\w (\r%s\w)^n^n^n\r0.\w Back
  237. TK_BAN_MENU_ITEM = Disconnected
  238. TEAM_INFO_CAPTAINS = Captain: %s^n^nTeammates:
  239. MUTE_MENU_TITLE = Mute menu
  240. MENU_ITEM_BACK = Back
  241. MENU_ITEM_MORE = More
  242. MENU_ITEM_EXIT = Exit
  243. MENU_INFO_MUTED = \r(Muted)\w
  244. MENU_ITEM_YES = Yes
  245. MENU_ITEM_NO = No
  246. MENU_ITEM_ON = On
  247. MENU_ITEM_OFF = Off
  248. PLAYERS_LEFT_HUD = Players left. Type !add.


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