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Új téma nyitása Hozzászólás a témához  [6 hozzászólás ] 
Szerző Üzenet
 Hozzászólás témája: TÖRÖLHETŐ!
HozzászólásElküldve:2014.01.08. 20:49 

Csatlakozott:2013.12.15. 19:13
Megköszönt másnak: 289 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 14 alkalommal
Betettem 7-7 zenét, de nem mindegyiket játssza le és nem mindig játszik le ill. van amit ismétel. Szóval össze-vissza csinálja és ebben kellene segítség, hogy legalább mindegyiket lejátssza.
Mindegyik bitsebessége: 256kbps , max zenehossz 18sec , max. méret 582 KB
roundsound.ini TARTALMA:
; CT Sounds
"sound/round_sounds/ct1.mp3" "CT"
"sound/round_sounds/ct2.mp3" "CT"
"sound/round_sounds/ct3.mp3" "CT"
"sound/round_sounds/ct4.mp3" "CT"
"sound/round_sounds/ct5.mp3" "CT"
"sound/round_sounds/ct6.mp3" "CT"
"sound/round_sounds/ct7.mp3" "CT"

; T Sounds
"sound/round_sounds/t1.mp3" "T"
"sound/round_sounds/t2.mp3" "T"
"sound/round_sounds/t3.mp3" "T"
"sound/round_sounds/t4.mp3" "T"
"sound/round_sounds/t5.mp3" "T"
"sound/round_sounds/t6.mp3" "T"
"sound/round_sounds/t7.mp3" "T"

Ezt a plugin(ebben nem írtam át semmit):

SMA Forráskód: [ Mindet kijelol ]/* - - - - - - - - - - -   AMX Mod X script.  Copyright (C) 2007 - Arkshine   Plugin : 'Alternative End Round Sounds'  Version : v2.3b   Original idea and plugin by PaintLancer.  Orignal thread : http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=6784    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at  your option) any later version.   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU  General Public License for more details.   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,  Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA   In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to  link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL  Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve,  L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all  respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs  from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception  to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If  you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your  version.   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    Description :  - - - - - - -  Plays random music at the end of a round according to who wins,  instead of just "Terrorists Win" or "Counter-Terrorists Win".     Features :  - - - - - -  * Support for mp3 and wav files  * Using a file for the sounds  * Per-map config files supported  * Per-map prefix config files supported  * Sounds can be toggle on/off by players  * Ability to choice x sounds to be precache per map  * Multilingual support     Requirements :  - - - - - - - -  * CS 1.6 / CZ  * AMX/X 1.7x or higher     Cvars :  - - - -  * ers_enabled <iNum    <0|1> Disable/Enable this plugin.   (default: 1)      * ers_player_toggle <iNum>    <0|1> Disable/Enable the client command /roundsound   (default: 1)      * erc_time_ads <iTime>    Times in seconds between each ads messages. 0 disable ads.   (default: 120)     * erc_random_precache <iMaxTeam or iMax_T-iMax_CT>   Specify how many sounds by team you want to precache randomly among all sounds.  This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( 0 = disable feature )    e.g : erc_random_precache "2" : 2 sounds will be choosen among all CTs sounds and all Ts sounds  erc_random_precache "2-3" : 2 Ts sounds will be choosen randomly among all Ts sounds.  3 CT sound will be choosen randomly among all CTs sounds.  /!\ Don't forget to insert '-' .    /!\ Map change on cvar change required !     Client command :  - - - - - - - -   * say /roundsound : Give to players the ability to turn on/off the end round sounds     Changelog :  - - - - - -   -> Arksine :   v3.0 - [ 2007-xx-xx ] ( Major update )   - Soon. A lot of changes/new features. Huge update. <!-- s;) --><img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif\" alt=\";)\" title=\"kacsintás\" /><!-- s;) -->   v2.3b - [ 2007-11-22 ]    (!) Fixed a compatibility bug from 2.3a version.    v2.3a - [ 2007-11-19 ]   (+) Added compatibility for Amxx 1.7x.  (!) Now 'erc_random_precache' cvar is set to 0 by default.  (!) Fixed. At the first start of server, value from 'erc_random_precache' cvar from a config file was not read.  (!) Some others minors changes.   v2.3 - [ 2007-10-29 ]   (+) Added 'erc_random_precache' cvar : Specify how many sounds per team you want to precache randomly among all sounds.  This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( request by Arion )  (!) Debug mode is enabled by default now.  (-) Removed 3 keys languages. No more need.( ERS_LOG_TOTAL_SOUND_LOADED, ERS_LOG_DEBUG_T, ERS_LOG_DEBUG_CT )   v2.2b - [ 2007-10-28 ]   (!) Removed a check. Since trim() is used :  Now no need to check space, new line, tabs, carriage returns, etc..   v2.2a - [ 2007-10-28 ]   (!) Changed the method of checking empty file. Now it's more efficient.  (!) Added another check to ignore texts which are no comments.  (!) Fixed a typo ( key language ).   v2.2 - [ 2007-10-27 ]   (+) Added a check to prevent to get a warning when a team has no sound.  (+) Added a check to prevent to not load empty file.  (+) Added support for coding-style '//' comments.  (!) No longer has a predefined max sounds limit. ( using dynamic array from amxx 1.8.0 )  (!) Minors optimizations.  (-) Removed useless code.   v2.1a - [ 2007-07-13 ]   (!) Fixed a bug with ML system.  (!) Fixed a stupid glitch with formatex().   v2.1 - [ 2007-07-06 ]   (!) Optimize a little.  (!) Rewritted loading_file() function.  (+) Added ML system & some texts.  (+) Added Color in text. ( !g = green ; !t = team color; !n = yellow (normal) )  (+) Added #_DEBUG.  (+) Added chat command : toggle on/off end round sounds.  (+) Added "ers_enabled" cvar : enable/disable plugin  (+) Added "ers_player_toggle" cvar : enable/disabled command chat for players  (+) Added ads message for chat command  (+) Added "erc_time_ads" cvar : control amount of times between 2 messages.   v2.0b - [ 2007-07-04 ]   (!) No features added. Sma reorganized a little and more.   v2.0a - [ 2007-06-26 ]   (!) Fixed. Bug under linux. Some blank lines weren't ignored. (thanks Deejay & NiLuje)   v2.0 - [ 2007-06-26 ]   (!) Totaly rewritted  (+) Added support for mp3 files.  (+) Added support per file. No more to edit .sma file to add sounds.  (+) Added support per-map file.  (+) Added support per-map prefix file.   -> Paintlancer :   v1.0 : [ 2004-10-14 ]  First release by Paintlancer.  Orignal thread : http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=6784   Credits:  - - - - - - -  * PaintLancer : Original idea and plugin.  * Avalanche : Inspired color chat function from gungame plugin.  * Arion : Random precache idea.    * Languages translation :  - [fr] : Arkshine  - [de] : Mordekay  - [es] : Darkless     - - - - - - - - - - - */  #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc>   new const // _________________________________________________  PLUGIN [] = "Alternative End Round Sounds", VERSION[] = "2.3b", AUTHOR [] = "Arkshine"; // _________________________________________________   #if AMXX_VERSION_NUM < 180 #define old_amxx #endif   /* ========================= [ "START" AERA FOR CHANGES ] ========================= */   #define _DEBUG // Active debug #define MAX_FILE_LENGTH 196 // Max length for files + path.  #if defined old_amxx #define MAX_SOUNDS 25 // Max sounds per team #endif  new const  g_FileName[] = "roundsound", // Name of the main file if no files is found in 'g_FileFolder'. g_FileFolder[] = "round_sound", // Name of the directory in amxmodx/configs/ for per-map files. g_FilePrefix[] = "ini", // File extension used for the files. g_CmdChat[] = "/roundsound"; // Chat command for player.   /* ========================= [ "END" AERA FOR CHANGES ] ========================= */    // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 #define TASKID_ADS 1333 #define SIZE_FILE 0 #define NULL -1  new bool:g_pHeardSound[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ],  #if !defined old_amxx Array:g_lstSoundCT, Array:g_lstSoundT, #endif  p_enabled, p_player_toggle, p_time_ads, p_random_precache,  g_sRp_value[12], g_msgSayText;   enum _:e_Team { T = 0, CT, };  new g_nSnd[ e_Team ];  #if defined old_amxx new g_sTeam_sounds[ MAX_SOUNDS ][ e_Team ][ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ]; #define charsmax(%1) sizeof( %1 ) - 1 #endif  #define _is_wav(%1) equali( %1[strlen( %1 ) - 4 ], ".wav" )  // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   public plugin_precache() { register_dictionary( "end_roundsound.txt" );  if( ( p_random_precache = get_cvar_pointer( "erc_random_precache" ) ) ) get_pcvar_string( p_random_precache, g_sRp_value, charsmax( g_sRp_value ) );  if( !p_random_precache ) return;  #if !defined old_amxx g_lstSoundCT = ArrayCreate( MAX_FILE_LENGTH ); g_lstSoundT = ArrayCreate( MAX_FILE_LENGTH ); #endif  loading_file(); }   public plugin_init() { register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR ); register_cvar( "ers_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY );  register_event( "SendAudio", "eT_win" , "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin" ); register_event( "SendAudio", "eCT_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin" );  p_enabled = register_cvar( "ers_enabled" , "1" ); p_player_toggle = register_cvar( "ers_player_toggle" , "1" ); p_time_ads = register_cvar( "erc_time_ads" , "120" );  if( !p_random_precache ) { register_cvar( "erc_random_precache", g_sRp_value ); server_cmd( "restart" ); }  register_clcmd( "say" , "cmd_Say" ); register_clcmd( "say_team" , "cmd_Say" );  g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" ); }   public client_authorized( id ) g_pHeardSound[id] = true;   public client_disconnect( id ) { g_pHeardSound[id] = true; remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); }   public client_putinserver( id ) { new Float:time = get_pcvar_float( p_time_ads );  if( !time ) return;  remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); set_task( time, "show_ads", id + TASKID_ADS, _, _, "b" ); }   public show_ads( taskid ) { new id = taskid - TASKID_ADS; ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, "ERS_DISPLAY_ADS", g_CmdChat ); }   public cmd_Say( id ) { if( !get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE;  static sMsg[64]; read_argv( 1, sMsg, charsmax( sMsg ) );  if( equali( sMsg, g_CmdChat ) ) { if( !get_pcvar_num( p_player_toggle ) ) { ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, "ERS_CMD_DISABLED" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }  g_pHeardSound[id] = g_pHeardSound[id] ? false : true; ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, g_pHeardSound[id] ? "ERS_SOUND_ENABLED" : "ERS_SOUND_DISABLED" );  return PLUGIN_HANDLED; }  return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }   public eT_win() { if( !g_nSnd[ e_Team:T ] ) return;  play_sound( e_Team:T ); }   public eCT_win() { if( !g_nSnd[ e_Team:CT ] ) return;  play_sound( e_Team:CT ); }   play_sound( iTeam ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sCurSnd[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ]; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  new iRand;  if( g_nSnd[ iTeam ] > 1 ) iRand = random( g_nSnd[ iTeam ] );  #if defined old_amxx copy( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, g_sTeam_sounds[ iRand ][ iTeam ] ); #else ArrayGetString( iTeam == CT ? g_lstSoundCT : g_lstSoundT, iRand, sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1 ); #endif  _is_wav( sCurSnd ) ?  format( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, "spk %s", sCurSnd[6] ) : format( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, "mp3 play %s", sCurSnd );  if( get_pcvar_num( p_player_toggle ) ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - iPlayers[32], iNum, pid; // - - - - - - - - - - -  get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "c" );  for( new i; i < iNum; i++ ) { pid = iPlayers;  if( !g_pHeardSound[pid] || is_user_bot( pid ) ) continue;  client_cmd( pid, "%s", sCurSnd ); } } else client_cmd( 0, "%s", sCurSnd ); }   get_prefix( sMap[], iLen_map, sMapType[], iLen_type ) { new // - - - - - - - - - sRest[32]; // - - - - - - - - -  get_mapname( sMap, iLen_map ); strtok( sMap, sMapType, iLen_type, sRest, charsmax( sRest ), '_', 1 ); }   loading_file() { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sPath[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], // | sConfigsDir[64], sPrefix[6], sMap[32]; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  get_prefix( sMap, charsmax( sMap ), sPrefix, charsmax( sPrefix ) ); get_configsdir( sConfigsDir, charsmax( sConfigsDir ) );   new bool:bFound;  for( new i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 1 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s/prefix-%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileFolder, sPrefix, g_FilePrefix ); case 2 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s/%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileFolder, sMap, g_FilePrefix ); case 3 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileName, g_FilePrefix );  default : break; }  if( !CheckFile( sPath ) ) continue;  bFound = true; break; }  log_amx( "---" );  bFound ? log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_LOADING", sPath ) : log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_NO_FILES_FOUND" );  load_sound( sPath ); }   load_sound( const file[] ) { new // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sBuffer[256], // | sLeft[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], sRight[4], sExt[6], // | eTeam; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  new fp = fopen( file, "rt" );  while( !feof( fp ) ) { fgets( fp, sBuffer, charsmax( sBuffer ) );  trim( sBuffer );  if( !sBuffer[0] || sBuffer[0] == ';' || ( sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/' ) ) continue;  if( sBuffer[0] != '"' || strlen( sBuffer ) < 11 ) continue;  parse( sBuffer, sLeft, charsmax( sLeft ), sRight, charsmax( sRight ) ); formatex( sExt, charsmax( sExt ), sLeft[ strlen( sLeft ) - 4 ] );  if( equali( sExt, ".mp3" ) == -1 || equali( sExt, ".wav" ) == -1 ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_UNKNOW_EXTENSION", sExt ); continue; }  if( !file_exists( sLeft ) ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_INEXISTENT_FILE", sLeft ); continue; }  eTeam = NULL;  if( equali( sRight, "CT" ) ) eTeam = CT;  else if( equali( sRight, "T" ) ) eTeam = T;  if( eTeam == NULL ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_NO_TEAM_SOUND", sLeft ); continue; }  #if defined old_amxx copy( g_sTeam_sounds[ g_nSnd[ eTeam ] ][ eTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, sLeft ); #else ArrayPushString( eTeam == CT ? g_lstSoundCT : g_lstSoundT, sLeft ); #endif  ++g_nSnd[ eTeam ]; } fclose( fp );  if( g_nSnd[ e_Team:T ] > 1 || g_nSnd[ e_Team:CT ] > 1 ) { new iMax_t, iMax_ct; GetPrecacheValue( iMax_t, iMax_ct );  #if defined old_amxx UpdateArray( iMax_t, e_Team:T ); UpdateArray( iMax_ct, e_Team:CT ); #else p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax_t , e_Team:T , g_lstSoundT ); p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax_ct, e_Team:CT, g_lstSoundCT ); #endif }  log_amx( "---" );  #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( "[ Loading %d CTs Sounds ]", g_nSnd[ e_team:CT ] ); #endif #if defined old_amxx PrecacheSounds( e_Team:CT ); #else PrecacheSounds_n( g_lstSoundCT ); #endif  #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( "[ Loading %d Ts Sounds ]", g_nSnd[ e_team:T ] ); #endif #if defined old_amxx PrecacheSounds( e_Team:T ); #else PrecacheSounds_n( g_lstSoundT ); #endif }   GetPrecacheValue( &iMax_t, &iMax_ct ) { trim( g_sRp_value ); new pos = contain( g_sRp_value, "-" );  if( pos > 0 ) { iMax_ct = str_to_num( g_sRp_value[ pos + 1 ] ) g_sRp_value[ pos ] = '^0'; iMax_t = str_to_num( g_sRp_value ); } else { iMax_t = str_to_num( g_sRp_value ); iMax_ct = iMax_t; } }   stock UpdateArray( iMax, iTeam ) { new const iCnt_sound = g_nSnd[ iTeam ];  if( !iMax || iMax == iCnt_sound ) return;  if( iMax >= iCnt_sound ) iMax = iCnt_sound - 1;  static sTmp_sounds[ MAX_SOUNDS ][ e_Team ][ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], iLast_number[ MAX_SOUNDS ];  new i, iRand; for( i = 0; i < iCnt_sound; i++ ) { copy( sTmp_sounds[ iTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ][0] = '^0'; }  arrayset( iLast_number, 0, charsmax( iLast_number ) );  i = 0; while( i != iMax ) { check: iRand = random( iCnt_sound );  if( iLast_number[ iRand ] ) goto check;  copy( g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, sTmp_sounds[ iRand ][ iTeam ] ); ++i;  iLast_number[ iRand ] = 1; }  g_nSnd[ iTeam ] = iMax; }   stock p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax, iTeam, Array:sSound_a ) { new const iCnt_sound = g_nSnd[ iTeam ];  if( !iMax || iMax == iCnt_sound ) return;  if( iMax >= iCnt_sound ) iMax = iCnt_sound - 1;  DeleteRandomItem( iCnt_sound - iMax, sSound_a ); g_nSnd[ iTeam ] = iMax; }   stock DeleteRandomItem( iRandom_n, Array:sSound_a ) { new i;  while( i++ != iRandom_n ) ArrayDeleteItem( sSound_a, random( ArraySize( sSound_a ) ) ); }   stock PrecacheSounds( iTeam ) { for( new i; i < g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; i++ ) { PrecacheFile( g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] );  #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( " - %s", g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); #endif }  log_amx( "---" ); }   stock PrecacheSounds_n( Array:sSound_a ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sFile[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], iFileLen = charsmax( sFile ); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  for( new i; i < ArraySize( sSound_a ); i++ ) { ArrayGetString( sSound_a, i, sFile, iFileLen ); PrecacheFile( sFile );  #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( " - %s", sFile ); #endif }  log_amx( "---" ); }   PrecacheFile( const sound[] ) { _is_wav( sound ) ?  precache_sound( sound[6] ) : precache_generic( sound ); }   ShowPrint( id, const sMsg[], { Float, Sql, Result, _ }:... ) { static // - - - - - - - - - newMsg[191], message[191], // | tNewMsg; // - - - - - - - - -  tNewMsg = charsmax( newMsg ); vformat( newMsg, tNewMsg, sMsg, 3 );  replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!t", "^3" ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!g", "^4" ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!n", "^1" );  formatex( message, charsmax( message ), "^4[ERS]^1 %s", newMsg );  emessage_begin( MSG_ONE, g_msgSayText, _, id ); ewrite_byte( id ); ewrite_string( message ); emessage_end(); }   bool:CheckFile( const file[] ) { new // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sBuffer[256], fp = fopen( file, "rt" ); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  if( !fp ) return false;  while( !feof( fp ) ) { fgets( fp, sBuffer, charsmax( sBuffer ) );  trim( sBuffer );  if( !sBuffer[0] || sBuffer[0] == ';' || ( sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/' ) || sBuffer[0] != '"' ) continue;  if( ( contain( sBuffer, ".mp3^"" ) != -1 || contain( sBuffer, ".wav^"" ) != -1 ) && ( contain( sBuffer, "^"T^"" ) != -1 || contain( sBuffer, "^"CT^"" ) != -1 ) ) return true; } fclose( fp );  return false; }/* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1038\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }*/
[i]Előre is köszönöm!

A hozzászólást 3 alkalommal szerkesztették, utoljára ZiT3K 2021.02.13. 03:40-kor.

Hozzászólás jelentése
Vissza a tetejére
 Hozzászólás témája: Re: MI LEHET A HIBA?(roundsound)
HozzászólásElküldve:2014.01.08. 21:06 

Csatlakozott:2013.10.27. 23:13
Megköszönt másnak: 21 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 68 alkalommal

mert a t1 stb ct1 azok alapok és nem csak te használod azt!
Több szerver pl: így hagyja benn és mást hallasz próbáld máshogy pl: ujzenect1,ujzenect2... ujzenet1 például..


Ők köszönték meg NiGGeR-BorZ nek ezt a hozzászólást: ZiT3K (2014.01.08. 23:56)
  Népszerűség: 2.27%

Hozzászólás jelentése
Vissza a tetejére
 Hozzászólás témája: Re: Hang lejászás - hiba
HozzászólásElküldve:2014.01.08. 21:20 

Csatlakozott:2012.10.09. 13:48
Megköszönték neki: 174 alkalommal
Ha letölti, de némelyik nem szól:
Counter-Strike 1.6 Hangfájlok

Minden jót! :)

Ők köszönték meg BeepBeep nek ezt a hozzászólást: ZiT3K (2014.01.09. 00:06)
  Népszerűség: 2.27%

Hozzászólás jelentése
Vissza a tetejére
 Hozzászólás témája: Re: Hang lejászás - hiba
HozzászólásElküldve:2014.01.09. 00:05 

Csatlakozott:2013.12.15. 19:13
Megköszönt másnak: 289 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 14 alkalommal
Tudnátok mondani 1 programot, amivel lehet változtatni az mp3 és a waw fájlok bitsebességét? Vagy valami módszert, hogyan csináljam?

Hozzászólás jelentése
Vissza a tetejére
 Hozzászólás témája: Re: Hang lejászás - hiba
HozzászólásElküldve:2014.01.09. 16:53 

Csatlakozott:2013.10.27. 23:13
Megköszönt másnak: 21 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 68 alkalommal
Virtual DJ ott amikor vágsz zenét kérheted hogy wav vagy mp3 mp3-ban több bit van.

Viszont van DBpower asszem ez a neve ezzel lehet konvertálni wav-ra de inkább azok akik HLDJ ÉS HLSS használnak.

VIRTUAL DJ ajánlom.


Ők köszönték meg NiGGeR-BorZ nek ezt a hozzászólást: ZiT3K (2014.01.09. 19:35)
  Népszerűség: 2.27%

Hozzászólás jelentése
Vissza a tetejére
 Hozzászólás témája: Re: Hang lejászás - hiba
HozzászólásElküldve:2014.01.09. 19:35 

Csatlakozott:2013.12.15. 19:13
Megköszönt másnak: 289 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 14 alkalommal
NiGGeR-BorZ írta:
Virtual DJ ott amikor vágsz zenét kérheted hogy wav vagy mp3 mp3-ban több bit van.

Viszont van DBpower asszem ez a neve ezzel lehet konvertálni wav-ra de inkább azok akik HLDJ ÉS HLSS használnak.

VIRTUAL DJ ajánlom.

Kösz, megnézem.

Hozzászólás jelentése
Vissza a tetejére
Hozzászólások megjelenítése: Rendezés 
Új téma nyitása Hozzászólás a témához  [6 hozzászólás ] 

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