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 Hozzászólás témája: surf Rush kezdőre
HozzászólásElküldve: 2013.05.26. 17:26 

Csatlakozott: 2011.12.28. 00:35
Hozzászólások: 2736
Megköszönt másnak: 56 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 275 alkalommal

Ezt, hogy lehetne úgy megcsinálni, hogy:
A surf szerón a kezdőnél legyen a rush vonal?
SMA Forráskód: [ Mindet kijelol ]
  1. #include <amxmodx>
  2. #include <amxmisc>
  3. #include <fun>
  4. #include <engine>
  5. #include <colorchat>
  7. //Used for create_middle functions
  8. #define tag_sprite_size_horizontal 4000
  9. #define tag_sprite_size_vertical 600
  10. #define tag_sprite_vertical_increments 15
  12. #define MINNUM 2
  14. new bool:stopplugin
  16. new beamsprite
  18. new CTspawn_loc[3]
  19. new Tspawn_loc[3]
  21. new plugin_enabled, plugin_fence, plugin_2ppl, plugin_checktime, plugin_redrawtime, plugin_fencecolor, plugin_fencealpha, plugin_punishment
  23. new Float:farthest_point1[3]
  24. new Float:farthest_point2[3]
  25. new alivenum, maxplayers
  27. new Float:oldtime
  29. new multiplier
  31. public plugin_init()
  32. {
  33. register_plugin("No Rush","2.0","GHW_Chronic")
  35. plugin_enabled = register_cvar("NR_enabled","1")
  36. plugin_fence = register_cvar("NR_fence","1")
  37. plugin_2ppl = register_cvar("NR_twopeople","1")
  38. plugin_punishment = register_cvar("NR_punishment","1")
  39. plugin_checktime = register_cvar("NR_checktime","2.0")
  40. plugin_redrawtime = register_cvar("NR_redrawtime","15.0")
  41. plugin_fencecolor = register_cvar("NR_fencecolor","green")
  42. plugin_fencealpha = register_cvar("NR_fencealpha","200")
  44. stopplugin=true
  45. new mapname[32]
  46. get_mapname(mapname,31)
  47. new configfile[200]
  48. get_configsdir(configfile,199)
  49. format(configfile,199,"%s/no_rush_maps.ini",configfile)
  50. if(file_exists(configfile))
  51. {
  52. new read[32], trash
  53. for(new i=0;i<file_size(configfile,1);i++)
  54. {
  55. read_file(configfile,i,read,31,trash)
  56. if(equali(mapname,read))
  57. {
  58. set_task(0.1,"spawn_locs")
  59. set_task(0.2,"create_middle1")
  60. oldtime = get_pcvar_float(plugin_redrawtime)
  61. stopplugin=false
  62. break;
  63. }
  64. }
  65. }
  67. register_event("DeathMsg","checknum","a")
  68. register_event("ResetHUD","checknum","b")
  70. maxplayers = get_maxplayers()
  71. }
  73. public plugin_precache()
  74. {
  75. beamsprite = precache_model("sprites/dot.spr")
  76. }
  78. public client_putinserver(id)
  79. {
  80. if(!stopplugin)
  81. {
  82. set_task(get_pcvar_float(plugin_checktime),"prethink",id,"",0,"b")
  83. }
  84. }
  86. public client_disconnect(id)
  87. {
  88. remove_task(id)
  89. }
  91. public checknum()
  92. {
  93. if(get_pcvar_num(plugin_enabled) && !stopplugin)
  94. {
  95. new newnum
  96. for(new i=0;i<=maxplayers;i++)
  97. {
  98. if(is_user_alive(i)) newnum++
  99. }
  100. if(alivenum>MINNUM && newnum<=MINNUM && get_pcvar_num(plugin_2ppl))
  101. {
  102. ColorChat(0, GREEN, "[Surf Rush] ^1Te most már át tudsz menni a másik oldalra, mivel csak^4 2 ember ^1maradt!")
  103. }
  104. alivenum=newnum
  105. }
  106. }
  108. public prethink(id)
  109. {
  110. if(is_user_alive(id) && !stopplugin && get_pcvar_num(plugin_enabled) && !(alivenum<=MINNUM && get_pcvar_num(plugin_2ppl)) )
  111. {
  112. new origin[3]
  113. get_user_origin(id,origin)
  114. new team[32]
  115. get_user_team(id,team,31)
  116. new teamnum=1
  117. if(containi(team,"CT")!=-1 || containi(team,"Counter")!=-1)
  118. {
  119. teamnum=2
  120. }
  121. if( (get_distance(origin,CTspawn_loc)<get_distance(origin,Tspawn_loc) && teamnum==1) || (get_distance(origin,Tspawn_loc)<get_distance(origin,CTspawn_loc) && teamnum==2) )
  122. {
  123. if(get_pcvar_num(plugin_punishment)==1) user_kill(id)
  124. else
  125. {
  126. new origin[3]
  127. get_user_origin(id,origin)
  128. new Float:vector1[3]
  129. if(teamnum==2)
  130. {
  131. vector1[0] = float(CTspawn_loc[0]) - origin[0]
  132. vector1[1] = float(CTspawn_loc[1]) - origin[1]
  133. vector1[2] = float(CTspawn_loc[2]) - origin[2]
  134. }
  135. else
  136. {
  137. vector1[0] = float(Tspawn_loc[0]) - origin[0]
  138. vector1[1] = float(Tspawn_loc[1]) - origin[1]
  139. vector1[2] = float(Tspawn_loc[2]) - origin[2]
  140. }
  141. new Float:num = floatsqroot(250*250 / vector1[0]*vector1[0] + vector1[1]*vector1[1] + vector1[2]*vector1[2])
  142. vector1[0] *= num
  143. vector1[1] *= num
  144. vector1[2] *= num
  145. set_user_velocity(id,vector1)
  146. }
  147. ColorChat(id, GREEN, "[Surf Rush] ^1Ne ^4menj át ^1a másik oldalra!")
  148. }
  149. }
  150. }
  152. public spawn_locs()
  153. {
  154. new ent1 = find_ent_by_class(0,"info_player_start")
  155. new ent2 = find_ent_by_class(0,"info_player_deathmatch")
  156. if(!ent1)
  157. {
  158. log_amx("No info_player_start found")
  159. stopplugin=true
  160. }
  161. if(!ent2)
  162. {
  163. log_amx("No info_player_deathmatch found")
  164. stopplugin=true
  165. }
  166. new Float:CTspawn_loc_F[3]
  167. new Float:Tspawn_loc_F[3]
  168. entity_get_vector(ent1,EV_VEC_origin,CTspawn_loc_F)
  169. entity_get_vector(ent2,EV_VEC_origin,Tspawn_loc_F)
  170. CTspawn_loc[0] = floatround(CTspawn_loc_F[0])
  171. CTspawn_loc[1] = floatround(CTspawn_loc_F[1])
  172. CTspawn_loc[2] = floatround(CTspawn_loc_F[2])
  173. Tspawn_loc[0] = floatround(Tspawn_loc_F[0])
  174. Tspawn_loc[1] = floatround(Tspawn_loc_F[1])
  175. Tspawn_loc[2] = floatround(Tspawn_loc_F[2])
  176. }
  178. public create_middle1()
  179. {
  180. //***
  181. //Simple Algebra to calculate the location of the middle line(s).
  182. //***
  184. new Float:CTspawn_loc_F[3]
  185. new Float:Tspawn_loc_F[3]
  186. IVecFVec(CTspawn_loc,CTspawn_loc_F)
  187. IVecFVec(Tspawn_loc,Tspawn_loc_F)
  189. new Float:line1_slope = (CTspawn_loc_F[1] - Tspawn_loc_F[1]) / (CTspawn_loc_F[0] - Tspawn_loc_F[0])
  190. new Float:line2_slope = -1.0 * (1.0 / line1_slope)
  192. new Float:midpoint[3]
  193. midpoint[0] = (CTspawn_loc_F[0] + Tspawn_loc_F[0]) / 2
  194. midpoint[1] = (CTspawn_loc_F[1] + Tspawn_loc_F[1]) / 2
  195. midpoint[2] = (CTspawn_loc_F[2] + Tspawn_loc_F[2]) / 2
  197. if(floatabs(line2_slope)>1.0)
  198. {
  199. farthest_point1[1] = midpoint[1] + (tag_sprite_size_horizontal / 2)
  200. farthest_point2[1] = midpoint[1] - (tag_sprite_size_horizontal / 2)
  202. farthest_point1[0] = (farthest_point1[1] - midpoint[1] + (line2_slope * midpoint[0])) / line2_slope
  203. farthest_point2[0] = (farthest_point2[1] - midpoint[1] + (line2_slope * midpoint[0])) / line2_slope
  204. }
  206. if(floatabs(line2_slope)<=1.0)
  207. {
  208. farthest_point1[0] = midpoint[0] + (tag_sprite_size_horizontal / 2)
  209. farthest_point2[0] = midpoint[0] - (tag_sprite_size_horizontal / 2)
  211. farthest_point1[1] = line2_slope*(farthest_point1[0]-midpoint[0]) + midpoint[1]
  212. farthest_point2[1] = line2_slope*(farthest_point2[0]-midpoint[0]) + midpoint[1]
  213. }
  215. farthest_point1[2] = midpoint[2] - (tag_sprite_size_vertical / 2)
  217. set_task(get_pcvar_float(plugin_redrawtime),"create_middle2",1337,"",0,"b")
  218. }
  220. public create_middle2()
  221. {
  222. if(!stopplugin && get_pcvar_num(plugin_fence) && get_pcvar_num(plugin_enabled) && !(alivenum<=MINNUM && get_pcvar_num(plugin_2ppl)))
  223. {
  224. set_task(0.1,"create_middle3",0,"",0,"a",(tag_sprite_size_vertical / tag_sprite_vertical_increments))
  225. multiplier=1
  226. }
  227. if(oldtime!=get_pcvar_float(plugin_redrawtime))
  228. {
  229. remove_task(1337)
  230. set_task(get_pcvar_float(plugin_redrawtime),"create_middle1",1337,"",0,"b")
  231. oldtime=get_pcvar_float(plugin_redrawtime)
  232. }
  233. }
  235. public create_middle3()
  236. {
  237. new zpoint = floatround(farthest_point1[2]) + (multiplier * tag_sprite_vertical_increments)
  238. multiplier++
  239. new color[32], red, green, blue
  240. get_pcvar_string(plugin_fencecolor,color,31)
  241. if(equali(color,"red"))
  242. {
  243. red=255
  244. green=0
  245. blue=0
  246. }
  247. else if(equali(color,"blue"))
  248. {
  249. red=0
  250. green=0
  251. blue=255
  252. }
  253. else if(equali(color,"white"))
  254. {
  255. red=255
  256. green=255
  257. blue=255
  258. }
  259. else if(equali(color,"random"))
  260. {
  261. red=random_num(0,255)
  262. green=random_num(0,255)
  263. blue=random_num(0,255)
  264. }
  265. else if(equali(color,"Yellow"))
  266. {
  267. red = 255
  268. green = 255
  269. blue = 0
  270. }
  271. else if(equali(color,"Orange"))
  272. {
  273. red = 255
  274. green = 128
  275. blue = 64
  276. }
  277. else if(equali(color,"Pink"))
  278. {
  279. red = 255
  280. green = 0
  281. blue = 128
  282. }
  283. else if(equali(color,"Indigo"))
  284. {
  285. red = 0
  286. green = 255
  287. blue = 255
  288. }
  289. else
  290. {
  291. red=0
  292. green=255
  293. blue=0
  294. }
  296. message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY)
  297. write_byte(0) //TE_BEAMPOINTS
  298. write_coord(floatround(farthest_point1[0]))
  299. write_coord(floatround(farthest_point1[1]))
  300. write_coord(zpoint)
  301. write_coord(floatround(farthest_point2[0]))
  302. write_coord(floatround(farthest_point2[1]))
  303. write_coord(zpoint)
  304. write_short(beamsprite)
  305. write_byte(1) // framestart
  306. write_byte(1) // framerate
  307. write_byte(get_pcvar_num(plugin_redrawtime) * 10)// life in 0.1's
  308. write_byte(5) // width
  309. write_byte(0) // noise
  310. write_byte(red) // red
  311. write_byte(green) // green
  312. write_byte(blue) // blue
  313. write_byte(get_pcvar_num(plugin_fencealpha))// brightness
  314. write_byte(0) // speed
  315. message_end()
  316. }


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 Hozzászólás témája: Re: surf Rush kezdőre
HozzászólásElküldve: 2013.05.27. 18:09 

Csatlakozott: 2013.02.11. 16:06
Hozzászólások: 491
Megköszönt másnak: 96 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 50 alkalommal
Azzal a pluginnal nem érsz semmit, persze kell, de hogy ha különböző helyekre akarsz rusht, akkor vagy a rush.cor ba kell átirni a dolgokat, de az nem annyira könnyü.
de ha jól emlékszem, ezekbe az antirusher pluginokba benne van, hogy (say be ird) antirusher_menu és ott lehet huzni. de ha kell meg csinálom, mert értek ehhez, csak irj steamen, mivel skypeon letiltottalak XD

Rengeteg új beszólás eléréséhez kattints IDE (Ezek alapból sank soundshoz készültek)

Steam profil:

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