
Magyar Half-Life Mód közösség!
Pontos idő: 2024.06.05. 12:58

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 Hozzászólás témája: PHP kód Magyarosítás segítség
HozzászólásElküldve: 2020.04.04. 16:55 

Csatlakozott: 2019.08.20. 18:19
Hozzászólások: 501
Megköszönt másnak: 244 alkalommal
Megköszönték neki: 45 alkalommal
Sziasztok, van egy angol php fájlom amit le kellene fordítani magyarra valaki tudna segíteni benne puszira?:D
Nagyon hálás lennék!!
  1. <?php
  2. // Language Name
  3. $name = 'Hungarian'; // angol geciazegész
  5. // Language Author
  6. $author = '..';
  8. // Language URL
  9. $url = '..';
  11. $LNG['lang_direction'] = 'ltr';
  13. $LNG['user_success'] = 'A felhasználó sikeresen létrehozva';
  14. $LNG['user_exists'] = 'Ez a felhasználónév már létezik';
  15. $LNG['email_exists'] = 'ez az email cím már foglalt';
  16. $LNG['all_fields'] = 'Minden mező kitöltése kötelező';
  17. $LNG['user_alnum'] = 'A felhasználónévnek csak betűkből és számokból kell állnia';
  18. $LNG['user_too_short'] = 'A felhasználónévnek 3 és 32 karakter között kell lennie';
  19. $LNG['user_limit'] = 'Túl sok fiók jött létre ebből az IP-ből';
  20. $LNG['invalid_email'] = 'Érvénytelen e-mail';
  21. $LNG['invalid_user_pw'] = 'Érvénytelen felhasználónév vagy jelszó';
  22. $LNG['invalid_captcha'] = 'érvénytelen CAPTCHA';
  23. $LNG['activate_email'] = 'Az aktiváló link el lett küldve az e-mail címre';
  24. $LNG['account_activated'] = 'A fiókod aktiválva lett';
  25. $LNG['log_out'] = 'Kijelentkezés';
  26. $LNG['hello'] = 'Helló';
  27. $LNG['register'] = 'Regisztráció';
  28. $LNG['login'] = 'Belépés';
  29. $LNG['connect'] = 'Csatlakozás';
  30. $LNG['password'] = 'Jelszó';
  31. $LNG['username'] = 'Felhasználónév';
  32. $LNG['email'] = 'Email';
  33. $LNG['captcha'] = 'Captcha';
  34. $LNG['username_or_email'] = 'Felhasználónév vagy e-mail';
  35. $LNG['welcome_title'] = 'Üdvözöljük';
  36. $LNG['welcome_desc'] = 'a szociális hálózatunkba';
  37. $LNG['welcome_about'] = 'ossza meg emlékeit, csatlakozzon másokhoz, új barátokat szerezzen.';
  38. $LNG['forgot_password'] = 'Elfelejtette a jelszavát?';
  39. $LNG['remember_me'] = 'Emlékezz rám';
  40. $LNG['all_rights_reserved'] = 'Minden jog fenntartva!';
  42. $LNG['welcome_one'] = 'Connect';
  43. $LNG['welcome_two'] = 'Share';
  44. $LNG['welcome_three'] = 'Discover';
  45. $LNG['welcome_one_desc'] = 'Connect with your family and friends and share your moments';
  46. $LNG['welcome_two_desc'] = 'Share what\'s new and life moments with your friends';
  47. $LNG['welcome_three_desc'] = 'Discover new people, create new connections and make new friends';
  48. $LNG['latest_users'] = 'Latest users';
  51. $LNG['settings_saved'] = 'Settings Saved';
  52. $LNG['nothing_saved'] = 'Nothing Saved';
  53. $LNG['password_changed'] = 'Password Changed';
  54. $LNG['nothing_changed'] = 'Nothing Changed';
  55. $LNG['incorrect_date'] = 'The selected date is not valid, please pick a valid date.';
  56. $LNG['password_not_changed'] = 'The password was not changed.';
  57. $LNG['image_saved'] = 'Image Saved';
  58. $LNG['error'] = 'Error';
  59. $LNG['no_file'] = 'You did not selected any files to be uploaded, or the selected file(s) are empty.';
  60. $LNG['file_exceeded'] = 'The selected file size must not exceed <strong>%s</strong> MB.';
  61. $LNG['file_format'] = 'The selected file format is not supported. Upload <strong>%s</strong> file format';
  62. $LNG['image_removed'] = 'Image Removed';
  63. $LNG['bio_description'] = 'The Bio description should be %s characters or less.';
  64. $LNG['valid_email'] = 'Please enter a valid email.';
  65. $LNG['valid_url'] = 'Please enter a valid URL format.';
  66. $LNG['valid_country'] = 'Please enter a valid country.';
  67. $LNG['password_too_short'] = 'The password must contain at least 6 characters.';
  68. $LNG['password_not_match'] = 'The password did not match.';
  69. $LNG['wrong_current_password'] = 'The current password you\'ve entered is incorrect.';
  70. $LNG['username_not_found'] = 'We couldn\'t find the choosed username.';
  71. $LNG['userkey_not_found'] = 'The username or the reset key are wrong, make sure you\'ve entered the correct credentials.';
  72. $LNG['password_reseted'] = 'You have succcessfully reset your passsword, you can now log-in using the new credentials.';
  73. $LNG['email_sent'] = 'Email sent';
  74. $LNG['email_reset'] = 'An email containing password reset instructions has been sent. Please allow us up to 24 hours to deliver the message, also check your Spam box if you can\'t find in your Inbox.';
  75. $LNG['user_has_been_deleted'] = 'User <strong>%s</strong> has been deleted.';
  76. $LNG['theme_changed'] = 'Theme changed';
  77. $LNG['notif_saved'] = 'Notifications changed';
  78. $LNG['notif_success_saved'] = 'Notifications has been successfully updated.';
  81. $LNG['welcome_mail'] = 'Welcome to %s';
  82. $LNG['user_created'] = 'Thank you for joining <strong>%s</strong>.<br /><br />Your username: <strong>%s</strong><br />Your Password: <strong>%s</strong><br /><br />You can log-in at: <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>';
  83. $LNG['recover_mail'] = 'Password Recovery';
  84. $LNG['recover_content'] = 'A password recover was requested, if you didn\'t make this action please ignore this email. <br /><br />Your Username: <strong>%s</strong><br />Your Reset Key: <strong>%s</strong><br /><br />You can reset your password by accessing the following link: <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>';
  85. $LNG['email_hello'] = 'Hello <strong>%s</strong>,<br /><br />';
  86. $LNG['email_unsub'] = '<br /><br /><span style="color: #aaa;">This message was sent automatically, if you don\'t want to receive these type of emails from <strong>%s</strong> in the future, please <a href="%s">Unsubscribe</a>.</span>';
  87. $LNG['email_copy'] = '<br /><br /><span style="color: #aaa;">Copyright &copy; '.date('Y').' <a href="%s">%s</a>. All rights reserved.';
  88. $LNG['ttl_comment_email'] = '%s commented on your message';
  89. $LNG['comment_email'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> has commented on your <strong><a href="%s">message.</a></strong>'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  90. $LNG['ttl_like_email'] = '%s liked your message';
  91. $LNG['like_email'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> liked your <strong><a href="%s">message.</a></strong>'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  92. $LNG['ttl_like_c_email'] = '%s liked your comment';
  93. $LNG['like_c_email'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> liked your <strong><a href="%s">comment.</a></strong>'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  94. $LNG['ttl_new_friend_email'] = '%s has sent you a friend request';
  95. $LNG['new_friend_email'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> wants to be friends on %s.'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  96. $LNG['ttl_friendship_confirmed_email'] = '%s accepted your friendship request';
  97. $LNG['friendship_confirmed_email'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> has accepted your friendship on %s.'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  98. $LNG['ttl_page_invite'] = '%s has invited you to like a page';
  99. $LNG['page_invite'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> has invited you to like <strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> page.'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  100. $LNG['ttl_group_invite'] = '%s has invited you to join a group';
  101. $LNG['group_invite'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong> has invited you to join <strong><a href="%s">%s</a> group.</strong>'.$LNG['email_unsub'];
  102. $LNG['ttl_suspended_account_mail'] = 'Your account has been suspended';
  103. $LNG['suspended_account_mail'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'Your account has been suspended. If you think this was an error, please contact us.'.$LNG['email_copy'];
  104. $LNG['ttl_confirm_email'] = 'Activate your account';
  105. $LNG['confirm_email'] = $LNG['email_hello'].'Thank you for joining <strong>%s</strong>. Finish your registration by <a href="%s" target="_blank">clicking here</a>.'.$LNG['email_copy'];
  107. // PHP MODULES
  108. $LNG['openssl_error'] = 'You must enable <strong>OpenSSL</strong> extension on the server';
  109. $LNG['curl_error'] = 'Is recommended that <strong>cURL</strong> extension is enabled on the server';
  111. // ADMIN PANEL
  112. $LNG['general_link'] = 'General';
  113. $LNG['security_link'] = 'Security';
  114. $LNG['manage_users'] = 'Manage Users';
  115. $LNG['registration'] = 'Registration';
  116. $LNG['limits'] = 'Limits';
  117. $LNG['emails'] = 'Emails';
  119. $LNG['theme_install'] = 'To install a new theme, upload it on the <strong>themes</strong> folder';
  120. $LNG['plugin_install'] = 'To install a new plugin, upload it on the <strong>plugins</strong> folder';
  121. $LNG['language_install'] = 'To install a new language, upload it on the <strong>languages</strong> folder';
  122. $LNG['author_title'] = 'Visit the author homepage';
  123. $LNG['version'] = 'Version';
  124. $LNG['active'] = 'Active';
  125. $LNG['activate'] = 'Activate';
  126. $LNG['deactivate'] = 'Deactivate';
  127. $LNG['by'] = 'By';
  128. $LNG['settings'] = 'Settings';
  130. // FEED
  131. $LNG['welcome_feed_ttl'] = 'Welcome to your News Feed';
  132. $LNG['welcome_feed'] = 'All the posts from your friends will appear on this page, start by making new friends.';
  133. $LNG['leave_comment'] = 'Leave a comment...';
  134. $LNG['post'] = 'Post';
  135. $LNG['view_more_messages'] = 'Load More';
  136. $LNG['view_more_comments'] = 'View more comments';
  137. $LNG['delete_q_comment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?';
  138. $LNG['delete_q_message'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this message?';
  139. $LNG['delete_q_chat'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this chat message?';
  140. $LNG['report_this_comment'] = 'Report this comment';
  141. $LNG['view_more'] = 'View more';
  142. $LNG['food'] = 'I ate at: <strong>%s</strong>';
  143. $LNG['visited'] = 'I visited:  <strong>%s</strong>';
  144. $LNG['played'] = 'I played: <strong>%s</strong>';
  145. $LNG['watched'] = 'I watched: <strong>%s</strong>';
  146. $LNG['listened'] = 'I listened: <strong>%s</strong>';
  147. $LNG['shared_title'] = 'shared <a href="%s" rel="loadpage"><strong>%s</strong></a>\'s <a href="%s" rel="loadpage"><strong>message</strong></a>.';
  148. $LNG['group_title'] = 'posted in <a href="%s" rel="loadpage"><strong>%s</strong></a> group.';
  149. $LNG['form_title'] = 'Update your status';
  150. $LNG['comment_wrong'] = 'Something went wrong, please refresh the page and try again.';
  151. $LNG['comment_too_long'] = 'Sorry, the maximum characters allowed per comment is <strong>%s</strong>.';
  152. $LNG['comment_error'] = 'Sorry, we couldn\'t post the comment, please refresh the page and try again.';
  153. $LNG['message_private'] = 'Sorry, this message is private, only the author of the message can see it.';
  154. $LNG['message_private_ttl'] = 'Private Message';
  155. $LNG['message_semi_private'] = 'Sorry, this message is private, only the friends and the author of this message can see it.';
  156. $LNG['message_semi_private_ttl'] = 'Private Message';
  157. $LNG['login_to_lcs'] = 'Log-in to Like, Comment or Share';
  158. $LNG['message'] = 'Message';
  159. $LNG['comment'] = 'Comment';
  160. $LNG['share'] = 'Share';
  161. $LNG['camera'] = 'Camera';
  162. $LNG['capture'] = 'Capture';
  163. $LNG['send'] = 'Send';
  164. $LNG['shared_success'] = 'The post has been successfully shared on your <a href="%s" rel="loadpage"><strong>timeline</strong></a>.';
  165. $LNG['no_shared'] = 'Sorry but this message can\'t be shared.';
  166. $LNG['share_desc'] = 'Are you sure do you want to share this message on your timeline?';
  167. $LNG['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
  168. $LNG['close'] = 'Close';
  169. $LNG['download'] = 'Download';
  171. // REPORT
  172. $LNG['1_not_exists'] = 'The reported message does not exist.';
  173. $LNG['0_not_exists'] = 'The reported comment does not exist.';
  174. $LNG['1_already_reported'] = 'This message has already been reported and it will be reviewed in the shortest time, thank you.';
  175. $LNG['0_already_reported'] = 'This comment has already been reported and it will be reviewed in the shortest time, thank you.';
  176. $LNG['1_is_safe'] = 'This message is marked as <strong>safe</strong> by an administrator, thank you for your feedback.';
  177. $LNG['0_is_safe'] = 'This comment is marked as <strong>safe</strong> by an administrator, thank you for your feedback.';
  178. $LNG['1_report_added'] = 'The message has been reported, thank you for your feedback.';
  179. $LNG['0_report_added'] = 'The comment has been reported, thank you for your feedback.';
  180. $LNG['1_report_error'] = 'Sorry but something went wrong while reporting this message, please refresh the page and try again.';
  181. $LNG['0_report_error'] = 'Sorry but something went wrong while reporting this comment, please refresh the page and try again.';
  182. $LNG['1_is_deleted'] = 'The message has been removed, thank you for your feedback.';
  183. $LNG['0_is_deleted'] = 'The comment has been removed, thank you for your feedback.';
  184. $LNG['rep_comment'] = 'Comment';
  186. // SIDEBAR
  187. $LNG['groups'] = 'Groups';
  188. $LNG['events'] = 'Events';
  189. $LNG['archive'] = 'Archives';
  190. $LNG['recent'] = 'Recent';
  191. $LNG['all_events'] = 'All events';
  192. $LNG['sidebar_map'] = 'Places';
  193. $LNG['sidebar_food'] = 'Meals';
  194. $LNG['sidebar_visited'] = 'Visits';
  195. $LNG['sidebar_game'] = 'Games';
  196. $LNG['sidebar_picture'] = 'Pictures';
  197. $LNG['sidebar_video'] = 'Videos';
  198. $LNG['sidebar_music'] = 'Music';
  199. $LNG['sidebar_shared'] = 'Shared';
  200. $LNG['sidebar_pages'] = 'Pages';
  201. $LNG['sidebar_groups'] = 'Groups';
  202. $LNG['sidebar_pokes'] = 'Pokes';
  203. $LNG['all_time'] = 'All time';
  204. $LNG['friends'] = 'Friends';
  205. $LNG['mutual' ] = 'Mutual';
  206. $LNG['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
  207. $LNG['filter_age'] = 'Age';
  208. $LNG['all_ages'] = 'All ages';
  209. $LNG['filter_gender'] = 'Gender';
  210. $LNG['sidebar_male'] = 'Male';
  211. $LNG['sidebar_female'] = 'Female';
  212. $LNG['all_genders'] = 'All genders';
  213. $LNG['online_friends'] = 'Online Friends';
  214. $LNG['sidebar_likes'] = 'Likes';
  215. $LNG['sidebar_comments'] = 'Comments';
  216. $LNG['sidebar_friendships'] = 'Friendships';
  217. $LNG['sidebar_chats'] = 'Chats';
  218. $LNG['sidebar_birthdays'] = 'Birthdays';
  219. $LNG['sidebar_suggestions'] = 'Friends Suggestions';
  220. $LNG['sidebar_trending'] = 'Trending topics';
  221. $LNG['sidebar_friends_activity'] = 'Friends Activity';
  222. $LNG['friends_birthdays'] = 'Birthdays';
  223. $LNG['sidebar_people'] = 'People';
  224. $LNG['sidebar_tag'] = 'Hashtags';
  226. // MESSAGES / CHAT
  227. $LNG['lonely_here'] = 'It\'s lonely here, how about making some friends?';
  228. $LNG['chat_too_long'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum characters allowed per chat message is <strong>%s</strong>.';
  229. $LNG['blocked_by'] = 'The message could not be sent. <strong>%s</strong> blocked you.';
  230. $LNG['blocked_user'] = 'The message could not be sent. You\'ve blocked <strong>%s</strong>.';
  231. $LNG['chat_self'] = 'Sorry but we cannot deliver chat messages to yourself.';
  232. $LNG['chat_no_user'] = 'You must select a user to chat with.';
  233. $LNG['view_more_conversations'] = 'View more conversations';
  234. $LNG['block'] = 'Block';
  235. $LNG['unblock'] = 'Unblock';
  236. $LNG['poke'] = 'Poke';
  237. $LNG['poked'] = 'Poked';
  238. $LNG['conversation'] = 'Conversation';
  239. $LNG['start_conversation'] = 'You can start a conversation by chosing a person from your friends list.';
  240. $LNG['send_message'] = 'Send Message';
  242. // MESSAGE FORM
  243. $LNG['label_food'] = 'Add a place where you ate at';
  244. $LNG['label_game'] = 'Add a played game';
  245. $LNG['label_visited'] = 'Add a visited location';
  246. $LNG['label_map'] = 'Add a place';
  247. $LNG['label_video'] = 'Share a movie or a link from YouTube or Vimeo';
  248. $LNG['label_music'] = 'Share a song or a link from SoundCloud';
  249. $LNG['label_image'] = 'Upload images';
  250. $LNG['message_form'] = 'What\'s on your mind?';
  251. $LNG['file_too_big'] = 'The selected file size (%s) is too big, the maxium file size allowed is <strong>%s</strong>.';
  252. $LNG['format_not_exist'] = 'The selected file (%s) format is invalid, please upload only <strong>%s</strong> image format.';
  253. $LNG['privacy_no_exist'] = 'The selected privacy does not exist, please refresh the page and try again.';
  254. $LNG['event_not_exist'] = 'The selected event does not exist, please refresh the page and try again.';
  255. $LNG['change_privacy'] = 'Who should see the message';
  257. $LNG['message_too_long'] = 'Sorry, but the maximum characters allowed per message is <strong>%s</strong>.';
  258. $LNG['files_selected'] = 'image(s) selected';
  259. $LNG['too_many_images'] = 'The maximum number of images allowed to be uploaded per message is <strong>%s</strong>, you tried to upload <strong>%s</strong> images.';
  261. // USER PANEL
  262. $LNG['user_menu_general'] = 'General';
  263. $LNG['user_menu_security'] = 'Password';
  264. $LNG['user_menu_avatar'] = 'Profile Images';
  265. $LNG['user_menu_notifications'] = 'Notifications';
  266. $LNG['user_menu_privacy'] = 'Privacy';
  267. $LNG['user_menu_delete'] = $LNG['user_ttl_delete'] = 'Delete Account';
  268. $LNG['user_menu_blocked'] = $LNG['user_ttl_blocked'] = 'Blocked Users';
  269. $LNG['other'] = 'Other';
  271. $LNG['user_ttl_general'] = 'General Settings';
  272. $LNG['user_ttl_security'] = 'Password Settings';
  273. $LNG['user_ttl_avatar'] = 'Profile Images Settings';
  274. $LNG['user_ttl_notifications'] = 'Notifications Settings';
  275. $LNG['user_ttl_privacy'] = 'Privacy Settings';
  277. $LNG['blocked_desc'] = 'Blocked persons can no longer see things you post on your timeline, message or add you as a friend.';
  278. $LNG['delete_acc_desc'] = 'Your account will be permanently deleted along with all the related content of it.';
  280. $LNG['ttl_first_name'] = $LNG['first_name'] = 'First Name';
  281. $LNG['sub_first_name'] = 'Enter your first name';
  283. $LNG['ttl_last_name'] = $LNG['last_name'] = 'Last Name';
  284. $LNG['sub_last_name'] = 'Enter your last name';
  286. $LNG['ttl_email'] = 'Email';
  287. $LNG['sub_email'] = 'Email will not be displayed';
  289. $LNG['address'] = 'Address';
  290. $LNG['sub_address'] = 'The address you live at';
  292. $LNG['ttl_location'] = 'City';
  293. $LNG['sub_location'] = 'The city you live in';
  295. $LNG['ttl_website'] = 'Website';
  296. $LNG['sub_website'] = 'Your website, blog or personal page';
  298. $LNG['ttl_gender'] = 'Gender';
  299. $LNG['sub_gender'] = 'Select your gender';
  301. $LNG['interests'] = 'Interests';
  302. $LNG['sub_interested_in'] = 'Persons you\'re interested in';
  304. $LNG['ttl_country'] = 'Country';
  305. $LNG['sub_country'] = 'The country you live in';
  307. $LNG['ttl_work'] = 'Workplace';
  308. $LNG['sub_work'] = 'Enter the company name where you\'re working';
  310. $LNG['ttl_school'] = 'School';
  311. $LNG['sub_school'] = 'Enter the school name you attended';
  313. $LNG['ttl_profile'] = 'Profile';
  314. $LNG['sub_profile'] = 'Profile visibility';
  316. $LNG['ttl_messages'] = 'Message';
  317. $LNG['sub_messages'] = 'The default way of posting messages';
  319. $LNG['ttl_offline'] = 'Chat Status';
  320. $LNG['sub_offline'] = 'The visibility status for the Chat';
  322. $LNG['ttl_facebook'] = 'Facebook';
  323. $LNG['sub_facebook'] = 'Your facebook profile ID.';
  325. $LNG['ttl_twitter'] = 'Twitter';
  326. $LNG['sub_twitter'] = 'Your twitter profile ID.';
  328. $LNG['ttl_google'] = 'Google+';
  329. $LNG['sub_google'] = 'Your google+ profile ID.';
  331. $LNG['ttl_bio'] = 'Bio';
  332. $LNG['sub_bio'] = 'About you (160 characters or less)';
  334. $LNG['ttl_birthdate'] = 'Birth Date';
  335. $LNG['sub_birthdate'] = 'Select the date you were born';
  337. $LNG['ttl_upload_avatar'] = 'Upload the selected profile image';
  338. $LNG['ttl_delete_avatar'] = 'Delete your current profile image';
  340. $LNG['privacy'] = 'Privacy';
  341. $LNG['public'] = 'Public';
  342. $LNG['private'] = 'Private';
  343. $LNG['report'] = 'Report';
  344. $LNG['delete_message'] = 'Delete Message';
  345. $LNG['remove_user'] = 'Remove User';
  347. $LNG['opt_offline_off'] = 'Online (when available)';
  348. $LNG['opt_offline_on'] = 'Always Offline';
  350. $LNG['no_gender'] = 'No Gender';
  351. $LNG['male'] = 'Male';
  352. $LNG['female'] = 'Female';
  353. $LNG['men'] = 'Men';
  354. $LNG['women'] = 'Women';
  356. $LNG['contact_information'] = 'Contact Information';
  357. $LNG['basic_information'] = 'Basic Information';
  358. $LNG['other_accounts'] = 'Other Accounts';
  359. $LNG['work_and_education'] = 'Work and Education';
  361. $LNG['ttl_upload'] = 'Upload';
  362. $LNG['ttl_new_password'] = 'New Password';
  363. $LNG['sub_new_password'] = 'Enter a new password (at least 6 characters)';
  364. $LNG['ttl_repeat_password'] = 'Repeat Password';
  365. $LNG['sub_repeat_password'] = 'Repeat your new password';
  366. $LNG['ttl_current_password'] = 'Current Password';
  367. $LNG['sub_current_password'] = 'Enter your current password';
  368. $LNG['save_changes'] = 'Save Changes';
  369. $LNG['profile_images_desc'] = 'Click on the profile picture or cover to change them';
  370. $LNG['confirm'] = 'Confirm';
  371. $LNG['approve'] = 'Approve';
  372. $LNG['requests'] = 'Requests';
  373. $LNG['blocked'] = 'Blocked';
  374. $LNG['remove'] = 'Remove';
  375. $LNG['decline'] = 'Decline';
  376. $LNG['confirmed'] = 'Confirmed';
  377. $LNG['declined'] = 'Declined';
  378. $LNG['make_admin'] = 'Make Admin';
  379. $LNG['remove_admin'] = 'Remove Admin';
  380. $LNG['default'] = 'Default';
  381. $LNG['make_default'] = 'Make Default';
  383. $LNG['ttl_notificationl'] = 'Likes Notifications';
  384. $LNG['sub_notificationl'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Likes</strong>';
  386. $LNG['ttl_notificationc'] = 'Comments Notifications';
  387. $LNG['sub_notificationc'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Comments</strong>';
  389. $LNG['ttl_notifications'] = 'Messages Notifications';
  390. $LNG['sub_notifications'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Shared Messages</strong>';
  392. $LNG['ttl_notificationd'] = 'Chat Notifications';
  393. $LNG['sub_notificationd'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Chats</strong>';
  395. $LNG['ttl_notificationf'] = 'Friends Notifications';
  396. $LNG['sub_notificationf'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Confirmed Friendships</strong>';
  398. $LNG['ttl_notificationx'] = 'Pages Notifications';
  399. $LNG['sub_notificationx'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Like a Page</strong> invitations';
  401. $LNG['ttl_notificationg'] = 'Groups Notifications';
  402. $LNG['sub_notificationg'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Groups Invitations</strong>';
  404. $LNG['ttl_notificationp'] = 'Pokes Notifications';
  405. $LNG['sub_notificationp'] = 'Display alert and notifications for <strong>Pokes</strong>';
  407. $LNG['ttl_sound_nn'] = 'Notifications Sound';
  408. $LNG['sub_sound_nn'] = 'Play a sound when a new notification is received';
  410. $LNG['ttl_sound_nc'] = 'Chat Sound';
  411. $LNG['sub_sound_nc'] = 'Play a sound when a new chat message is received';
  413. $LNG['ttl_email_comment'] = 'Emails on Comments';
  414. $LNG['sub_email_comment'] = 'Receive emails when someone comments on your messages';
  416. $LNG['ttl_email_like'] = 'Emails on Likes';
  417. $LNG['sub_email_like'] = 'Receive emails when someone likes your messages';
  419. $LNG['ttl_email_new_friend'] = 'Emails on Friendships';
  420. $LNG['sub_email_new_friend'] = 'Receive emails when someone sends or confirms a friend request';
  422. $LNG['ttl_email_page'] = 'Email Page Invite';
  423. $LNG['sub_email_page'] = 'Receive emails when someone invites you to like a page';
  425. $LNG['ttl_email_group'] = 'Email Group Invite';
  426. $LNG['sub_email_group'] = 'Receive emails when someone sends you a group invitation';
  428. $LNG['user_ttl_sidebar'] = 'Settings';
  430. // ADMIN PANEL
  431. $LNG['admin_login'] = 'Admin Login';
  432. $LNG['admin_user_name'] = 'Username';
  433. $LNG['desc_admin_user'] = 'Type in your Admin Username';
  434. $LNG['admin_pass'] = 'Password';
  435. $LNG['desc_admin_pass'] = 'Type in your Admin Password';
  436. $LNG['admin_ttl_sidebar'] = 'Menu';
  437. $LNG['admin_menu_logout'] = 'Log Out';
  438. $LNG['admin_ttl_dashboard']         = $LNG['admin_menu_dashboard']      = 'Dashboard';
  439. $LNG['admin_ttl_site_settings']     = $LNG['admin_menu_site_settings']  = 'Site Settings';
  440. $LNG['admin_ttl_themes']            = $LNG['admin_menu_themes']         = 'Themes';
  441. $LNG['admin_ttl_plugins']           = $LNG['admin_menu_plugins']        = 'Plugins';
  442. $LNG['admin_ttl_languages']         = $LNG['admin_menu_languages']      = 'Languages';
  443. $LNG['admin_ttl_stats']             = $LNG['admin_menu_stats']          = 'Statistics';
  444. $LNG['admin_ttl_security']          = $LNG['admin_menu_security']       = 'Password';
  445. $LNG['admin_ttl_users']             = $LNG['admin_menu_users']          = 'Manage Users';
  446. $LNG['admin_ttl_manage_pages']      = $LNG['admin_menu_manage_pages']   = 'Manage Pages';
  447. $LNG['admin_ttl_manage_groups']     = $LNG['admin_menu_manage_groups']  = 'Manage Groups';
  448. $LNG['admin_ttl_manage_reports']    = $LNG['admin_menu_manage_reports'] = 'Manage Reports';
  449. $LNG['admin_ttl_manage_ads']        = $LNG['admin_menu_manage_ads']     = 'Manage Ads';
  450. $LNG['admin_ttl_info_pages']        = $LNG['admin_menu_info_pages']     = 'Info Pages';
  452. $LNG['list_users'] = 'All Users';
  453. $LNG['list_moderators'] = 'Moderators';
  454. $LNG['list_verified'] = 'Verified';
  455. $LNG['list_suspended'] = 'Suspended';
  457. $LNG['title'] = 'Title';
  458. $LNG['admin_sub_title'] = 'The site\'s title';
  460. $LNG['logo'] = 'Logo';
  461. $LNG['admin_sub_logo'] = 'The site\'s logo (PNG format)';
  463. $LNG['admin_ttl_captcha'] = 'Captcha';
  464. $LNG['admin_sub_captcha'] = 'Enable captcha at registration';
  466. $LNG['admin_ttl_timestamp'] = 'Timestamp';
  467. $LNG['admin_sub_timestamp'] = 'The Messages, Comments and Chat timestamp type';
  469. $LNG['admin_ttl_timezone'] = 'Timezone';
  470. $LNG['admin_sub_timezone'] = 'Timezone supported by PHP';
  472. $LNG['admin_sub_pages'] = 'Enable the Pages functionality';
  473. $LNG['admin_sub_groups'] = 'Enable the Groups functionality';
  475. $LNG['admin_ttl_msg_perpage'] = 'Messages';
  476. $LNG['admin_sub_msg_perpage'] = 'The number of messages per page';
  478. $LNG['admin_ttl_com_perpage'] = 'Comments';
  479. $LNG['admin_sub_com_perpage'] = 'The number of comments per message';
  481. $LNG['admin_ttl_chat_perpage'] = 'Chat';
  482. $LNG['admin_sub_chat_perpage'] = 'The number of chat conversations per page';
  484. $LNG['admin_ttl_smiles'] = 'Emoticons';
  485. $LNG['admin_sub_smiles'] = 'Allow and transform shortcodes on Messages, Comments and Chat into emoticons';
  487. $LNG['admin_ttl_permalinks'] = 'Permalinks';
  488. $LNG['admin_sub_permalinks'] = 'Enable permalinks URL structure (example.com/profile/username)';
  490. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_activation'] = 'Email Activation';
  491. $LNG['admin_sub_email_activation'] = 'Require the account to be activated via email';
  493. $LNG['admin_ttl_nperpage'] = 'Notifications';
  494. $LNG['admin_sub_nperpage'] = 'The number of notifications to be shown (Notifications Page)';
  496. $LNG['admin_ttl_msg_limit'] = 'Message Characters';
  497. $LNG['admin_sub_msg_limit'] = 'The number of characters allowed per message';
  499. $LNG['admin_ttl_chat_limit'] = 'Chat Characters';
  500. $LNG['admin_sub_chat_limit'] = 'The number of characters allowed per conversation';
  502. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_reg'] = 'Email on Registration';
  503. $LNG['admin_sub_email_reg'] = 'Email users at registration';
  505. $LNG['admin_ttl_notificationsm'] = 'Messages Notifications';
  506. $LNG['admin_sub_notificationsm'] = 'The update interval to check for new messages (in seconds)';
  508. $LNG['admin_ttl_notificationsn'] = 'Events Notifications';
  509. $LNG['admin_sub_notificationsn'] = 'The update interval to check for new events notifications (in seconds)';
  511. $LNG['admin_ttl_chatrefresh'] = 'Chat Refresh';
  512. $LNG['admin_sub_chatrefresh'] = 'The time how often the chat window updates with new messages (in seconds)';
  514. $LNG['admin_ttl_timeonline'] = 'Online Users';
  515. $LNG['admin_sub_timeonline'] = 'The amount of time to be considered online since the last user\'s activity (in seconds)';
  517. $LNG['admin_ttl_image_profile'] = 'Image Size (Profile)';
  518. $LNG['admin_sub_image_profile'] = 'Image size allowed to upload (profile image, profile cover, group cover) (in MB)';
  520. $LNG['admin_ttl_image_format'] = 'Image Format (Profile)';
  521. $LNG['admin_sub_image_format'] = 'Image format allowed for upload (profile image, profile cover, group cover), use only gif,png,jpg other formats are not supported';
  523. $LNG['admin_ttl_message_image'] = 'Image Size (Messages)';
  524. $LNG['admin_sub_message_image'] = 'Image size allowed to upload (Messages) (in MB)';
  526. $LNG['admin_ttl_message_format'] = 'Image Format (Messages)';
  527. $LNG['admin_sub_message_format'] = 'Image format allowed for upload (Messages), use only gif,png,jpg other formats are not supported';
  529. $LNG['admin_sub_friends_limit'] = 'The maximum amount of friendships allowed per user';
  530. $LNG['admin_sub_pages_limit'] = 'The maximum amount of created pages per user';
  531. $LNG['admin_sub_groups_limit'] = 'The maximum amount of created and joined groups per user';
  533. $LNG['admin_ttl_censor'] = 'Censor';
  534. $LNG['admin_sub_censor'] = 'Censored words (example: word1, word2, word3)';
  536. $LNG['email_providers'] = 'Email Providers';
  537. $LNG['sub_email_providers'] = 'Allow the registration to certain email providers (example: domain.com, domain.org)';
  539. $LNG['admin_ttl_ad1'] = 'Ad Unit 1';
  540. $LNG['admin_sub_ad1'] = 'Advertisement Unit 1 (Bottom [Welcome Page])';
  542. $LNG['admin_ttl_ad2'] = 'Ad Unit 2';
  543. $LNG['admin_sub_ad2'] = 'Advertisement Unit 2 (Sidebar [News Feed Page])';
  545. $LNG['admin_ttl_ad3'] = 'Ad Unit 3';
  546. $LNG['admin_sub_ad3'] = 'Advertisement Unit 3 (Sidebar [Groups Page])';
  548. $LNG['admin_ttl_ad4'] = 'Ad Unit 4';
  549. $LNG['admin_sub_ad4'] = 'Advertisement Unit 4 (Sidebar [Profile Page])';
  551. $LNG['admin_ttl_ad5'] = 'Ad Unit 5';
  552. $LNG['admin_sub_ad5'] = 'Advertisement Unit 5 (Sidebar [Messages Page])';
  554. $LNG['admin_ttl_ad6'] = 'Ad Unit 6';
  555. $LNG['admin_sub_ad6'] = 'Advertisement Unit 6 (Sidebar [Search Page])';
  557. $LNG['admin_ttl_fbapp'] = 'Facebook Login';
  558. $LNG['admin_sub_fbapp'] = 'Allow users to log-in using Facebook';
  560. $LNG['admin_ttl_fbappid'] = 'App ID';
  561. $LNG['admin_sub_fbappid'] = 'Facebook App ID';
  563. $LNG['admin_ttl_fbappsecret'] = 'App Secret';
  564. $LNG['admin_sub_fbappsecret'] = 'Facebook App Secret';
  566. $LNG['smtp_emails'] = 'SMTP Mails';
  567. $LNG['smtp_sub_emails'] = 'Enable sending emails trough SMTP';
  569. $LNG['smtp_host'] = 'SMTP Host';
  570. $LNG['smtp_sub_host'] = 'The SMTP Host';
  572. $LNG['smtp_port'] = 'SMTP Port';
  573. $LNG['smtp_sub_port'] = 'The SMTP Port';
  575. $LNG['smtp_auth'] = 'SMTP Authentication';
  576. $LNG['smtp_sub_auth'] = 'Enable SMTP Authentication';
  578. $LNG['smtp_username'] = 'SMTP Username';
  579. $LNG['smtp_sub_username'] = 'The SMTP Username';
  581. $LNG['smtp_password'] = 'SMTP Password';
  582. $LNG['smtp_sub_password'] = 'The SMTP Password';
  584. $LNG['admin_ttl_edit'] = 'Edit';
  585. $LNG['admin_ttl_edit_profile'] = 'Edit Profile';
  587. $LNG['admin_ttl_delete'] = 'Delete';
  588. $LNG['admin_ttl_delete_profile'] = 'Delete Profile';
  590. $LNG['admin_ttl_mail'] = 'Email';
  591. $LNG['admin_ttl_username'] = 'Username';
  592. $LNG['admin_ttl_id'] = 'ID'; // As in user ID
  594. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_comment'] = 'Email on Comment';
  595. $LNG['admin_sub_email_comment'] = 'Enable sending emails when someone comments to a message (overrides user\'s settings)';
  597. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_like'] = 'Email on Like';
  598. $LNG['admin_sub_email_like'] = 'Enable sending emails when someone likes a message (overrides user\'s settings)';
  600. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_new_friend'] = 'Email on Friendships';
  601. $LNG['admin_sub_email_new_friend'] = 'Enable sending emails when someone sends or confirms a friend request (overrides user\'s settings)';
  603. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_page'] = 'Email Page Invite';
  604. $LNG['admin_sub_email_page'] = 'Enable sending emails when someone sends a page like invitation (overrides user\'s settings)';
  606. $LNG['admin_ttl_email_group'] = 'Email Group Invite';
  607. $LNG['admin_sub_email_group'] = 'Enable sending emails when someone sends a group invitation (overrides user\'s settings)';
  609. $LNG['admin_ttl_ilimit'] = 'Images (Messages)';
  610. $LNG['admin_sub_ilimit'] = 'The maximum images allowed to be uploaded per message';
  612. $LNG['admin_ttl_wholiked'] = 'Who Liked';
  613. $LNG['admin_sub_wholiked'] = 'The number of profile images to be shown near likes number';
  615. $LNG['admin_ttl_sperpage'] = 'Users';
  616. $LNG['admin_sub_sperpage'] = 'Number of users to be displayed per page (Profile Friends, Group Users)';
  618. $LNG['admin_ttl_aperip'] = 'Accounts';
  619. $LNG['admin_sub_aperip'] = 'Number of accounts allowed to register per IP (0 for unlimited)';
  621. $LNG['admin_ttl_ronline'] = 'Online Friends';
  622. $LNG['admin_sub_ronline'] = 'Number of online friends to be displayed on the Feed/Subscriptions page (sidebar).';
  624. $LNG['admin_ttl_nperwidget'] = 'Dropdown Notifications';
  625. $LNG['admin_sub_nperwidget'] = 'Number of notifications to be shown per category (likes, comments, messages, shares, friend requests)';
  627. $LNG['admin_ttl_uperpage'] = 'Admin';
  628. $LNG['admin_sub_uperpage'] = 'Number of users per page (Manage Sections)';
  630. $LNG['admin_sub_verified'] = 'Verified user profile by default? (Not recommended)';
  631. $LNG['admin_sub_tracking'] = 'The analytics tracking code';
  633. $LNG['join_date'] = 'Join Date';
  634. $LNG['user_group'] = 'User Group';
  635. $LNG['ttl_verified'] = 'Verified';
  637. $LNG['sub_verified'] = 'Account verified status';
  638. $LNG['sub_group'] = 'Account group';
  639. $LNG['sub_suspended'] = 'Account suspention status';
  641. $LNG['page_title'] = 'Page Title';
  642. $LNG['page_url'] = 'Page URL';
  643. $LNG['public_page'] = 'Public Page';
  644. $LNG['page_content'] = 'Page Content';
  646. $LNG['sub_page_title'] = 'The page title (supports translatable strings)';
  647. $LNG['sub_page_url'] = 'The page URL (no special characters)';
  648. $LNG['sub_public_page'] = 'Display the page in footer and sidebar';
  649. $LNG['sub_page_content'] = 'The page content (supports translatable strings)';
  650. $LNG['url_exists'] = 'This page URL already exists';
  652. $LNG['per_page'] = '/ page';
  653. $LNG['per_ip'] = '/ IP';
  654. $LNG['second'] = 'second';
  655. $LNG['seconds'] = 'seconds';
  656. $LNG['minute'] = 'minute';
  657. $LNG['minutes'] = 'minutes';
  658. $LNG['hour'] = 'hour';
  659. $LNG['recommended'] = 'recommended';
  660. $LNG['edit_user'] = 'Edit User';
  661. $LNG['username_to_edit'] = 'Username';
  662. $LNG['username_to_edit_sub'] = 'Enter the username you want to edit';
  663. $LNG['group_to_edit'] = 'Group name';
  664. $LNG['group_to_edit_sub'] = 'Enter the group name you want to edit';
  665. $LNG['page_to_edit'] = 'Page name';
  666. $LNG['page_to_edit_sub'] = 'Enter the page name you want to edit';
  667. $LNG['chat_smiles'] = 'Add emoticons';
  668. $LNG['chat_picture'] = 'Upload image';
  669. $LNG['chat_camera'] = 'Take a photo';
  671. // STATS
  672. $LNG['likes'] = 'Likes';
  673. $LNG['messages'] = 'Messages';
  674. $LNG['comments'] = 'Comments';
  675. $LNG['registered_users'] = 'Registered Users';
  676. $LNG['today'] = 'Today';
  677. $LNG['this_week'] = 'This Week';
  678. $LNG['this_month'] = 'This Month';
  679. $LNG['this_year'] = 'This Year';
  680. $LNG['total'] = 'Total';
  681. $LNG['total_likes'] = 'Total Likes';
  682. $LNG['date'] = 'Date';
  683. $LNG['evolution'] = 'Evolution';
  685. $LNG['reports'] = 'Reports';
  686. $LNG['total_reports'] = 'Total Reports';
  687. $LNG['pending_reports'] = 'Pending Reports';
  688. $LNG['safe_reports'] = 'Safe Reports';
  689. $LNG['deleted_reports'] = 'Deleted Reports';
  691. // DASHBOARD
  692. $LNG['admin_panel'] = 'Admin Panel';
  693. $LNG['at_a_glance'] = 'At a glance';
  694. $LNG['site_info'] = 'Site Info';
  695. $LNG['site_version'] = '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> %s';
  696. $LNG['site_loaded'] = 'Theme <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> with <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s plugins</a> enabled';
  697. $LNG['online_users'] = 'Online Users';
  698. $LNG['users'] = 'Users';
  699. $LNG['moderators'] = 'Moderators';
  700. $LNG['shares'] = 'Shares';
  701. $LNG['useful_links'] = 'Useful Links';
  702. $LNG['get_themes'] = 'Get more Themes';
  703. $LNG['get_plugins'] = 'Get more Plugins';
  704. $LNG['get_languages'] = 'Get more Languages';
  707. $LNG['admin_reports_ignore'] = 'Ignore the report and mark the content as safe';
  708. $LNG['admin_reports_delete'] = 'Delete the report and the reported content';
  709. $LNG['admin_reports_view'] = 'View the reported content';
  711. // LIKES
  712. $LNG['like'] = 'Like';
  713. $LNG['dislike'] = 'Unlike';
  714. $LNG['liked'] = 'Liked';
  715. $LNG['liked_this'] = 'liked this';
  716. $LNG['view_all_likes'] = 'View all likes';
  717. $LNG['people_who_like_this'] = 'People who like this';
  719. // MISC
  720. $LNG['sponsored'] = 'Sponsored';
  721. $LNG['censored'] = '<strong>censored</strong>';
  722. $LNG['new_like_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> liked your <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">message</a>';
  723. $LNG['new_like_c_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> liked your <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">comment</a>';
  724. $LNG['new_poke_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> poked you';
  725. $LNG['new_comment_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> commented on your <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">message</a>';
  726. $LNG['new_shared_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> shared your <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">message</a>';
  727. $LNG['new_page_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> has invited you to like <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> page';
  728. $LNG['new_group_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> has invited you to join <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> group';
  729. $LNG['new_friend_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> accepted your friend request';
  730. $LNG['new_chat_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> sent you a <span class="desktop"><a onclick="%s">chat message</a></span><span class="mobile"><a href="%s" rel="loadpage">chat message</a></span>';
  731. $LNG['new_birthday_notification'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a>\'s birthday';
  732. $LNG['years_old'] = '%s years old';
  733. $LNG['x_and_x_others'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> and <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s more</a>';
  734. $LNG['new_like_fa'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> liked a <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">message</a>';
  735. $LNG['new_like_c_fa'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> liked a <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">comment</a>';
  736. $LNG['new_comment_fa'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> commented on a <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">message</a>';
  737. $LNG['new_message_fa'] = '<a href="%s" rel="loadpage">%s</a> posted a new <a href="%s" rel="loadpage">message</a>';
  738. $LNG['change_password'] = 'Change Password';
  739. $LNG['enter_new_password'] = 'Enter your new password';
  740. $LNG['enter_reset_key'] = 'Enter the reset key';
  741. $LNG['enter_username'] = 'Enter Username';
  742. $LNG['reset_key'] = 'Reset Key';
  743. $LNG['new_password'] = 'New Password';
  744. $LNG['password_recovery'] = 'Password Recovery';
  745. $LNG['recover'] = 'Recover';
  746. $LNG['recover_sub_username'] = 'Type in the username or email you want to recover the password';
  747. $LNG['tracking_code'] = 'Tracking Code';
  748. $LNG['friends_limit'] = 'You\'ve reached the friends limit';
  749. $LNG['user_friends_limit'] = 'This user reached the friends limit';
  750. $LNG['last_online'] = 'Seen: %s';
  752. // PAGE
  753. $LNG['create_page'] = 'Create Page';
  754. $LNG['edit_page'] = 'Edit Page';
  755. $LNG['delete_page'] = 'Delete Page';
  756. $LNG['page_sub_name'] = 'The page name (will appear in URL)';
  757. $LNG['page_sub_title'] = 'The page title (will appear on the page\'s title';
  758. $LNG['page_sub_description'] = 'The page description';
  759. $LNG['page_sub_website'] = 'Website URL';
  760. $LNG['profile_image'] = 'Profile Image';
  761. $LNG['cover_image'] = 'Cover Image';
  762. $LNG['page_sub_pimg'] = 'The page profile image';
  763. $LNG['page_sub_cover'] = 'The page cover image';
  764. $LNG['category'] = 'Category';
  765. $LNG['page_sub_category'] = 'The page category';
  766. $LNG['phone'] = 'Phone';
  767. $LNG['page_sub_phone'] = 'Phone number';
  768. $LNG['page_sub_address'] = 'Physical address';
  770. $LNG['page_name_consist'] = 'Page name can only contain letters and numbers';
  771. $LNG['page_name_taken'] = 'This page name is already taken';
  772. $LNG['page_name_less'] = 'Page name should be less than %s characters';
  773. $LNG['page_title_less'] = 'Page title should be less than %s characters';
  774. $LNG['page_desc_less'] = 'Page description should be less than %s characters';
  775. $LNG['invalid_phone'] = 'Phone number can only contain digits, plus (+) and minus (-) signs.';
  776. $LNG['page_delete_desc'] = 'Deleting a page will also delete its messages along with their content.';
  777. $LNG['page_deleted'] = 'The page <strong>%s</strong> has been deleted';
  778. $LNG['page_maximum'] = 'You\'ve exceeded the maximum amount of pages allowed (%s).';
  779. $LNG['group_maximum'] = 'You\'ve exceeded the maximum amount of groups allowed (%s).';
  782. $LNG['select_category'] = 'Select a category';
  783. $LNG['page_1'] = 'Local Business or Place';
  784. $LNG['page_2'] = 'Company, Organization or Institution';
  785. $LNG['page_3'] = 'Brand or Product';
  786. $LNG['page_4'] = 'Artist, Band or Public Figure';
  787. $LNG['page_5'] = 'Entertainment';
  788. $LNG['page_6'] = 'Cause or Community';
  790. // GROUP
  791. $LNG['create_group'] = 'Create Group';
  792. $LNG['edit_group'] = 'Edit Group';
  793. $LNG['leave_group'] = 'Leave Group';
  794. $LNG['delete_group'] = 'Delete Group';
  795. $LNG['discussion'] = 'Discussion';
  796. $LNG['members'] = 'Members';
  797. $LNG['admins'] = 'Admins';
  798. $LNG['page'] = 'Page';
  799. $LNG['group'] = 'Group';
  800. $LNG['group_private'] = 'Sorry, but this group is private, only the member of this group can view the content.';
  801. $LNG['group_private_ttl'] = 'Private Group';
  802. $LNG['name'] = 'Name';
  803. $LNG['any_member'] = 'Any member';
  804. $LNG['posts'] = 'Posts';
  805. $LNG['group_sub_name'] = 'The group name (will appear in URL)';
  806. $LNG['group_sub_title'] = 'The group title (will appear on the group\'s title)';
  807. $LNG['group_sub_privacy'] = 'The group privacy';
  808. $LNG['group_sub_description'] = 'The group description';
  809. $LNG['group_sub_posts'] = 'Who can post in the group';
  810. $LNG['admins_posts'] = ', only admins can post';
  811. $LNG['members_posts'] = ', any member can post';
  812. $LNG['group_sub_cover'] = 'The group cover image';
  813. $LNG['public_group'] = 'Public Group';
  814. $LNG['private_group'] = 'Private Group';
  815. $LNG['x_members'] = '%s members';
  816. $LNG['join_group'] = 'Join Group';
  817. $LNG['pending_approval'] = 'Pending Approval';
  818. $LNG['search_this_group'] = 'Search this group';
  819. $LNG['invited'] = 'Invited';
  820. $LNG['member'] = 'Member';
  821. $LNG['invite'] = 'Invite';
  823. $LNG['group_name_consist'] = 'Group name can only contain letters and numbers';
  824. $LNG['group_name_taken'] = 'This group name is already taken';
  825. $LNG['group_name_less'] = 'Group name should be less than %s characters';
  826. $LNG['group_title_less'] = 'Group title should be less than %s characters';
  827. $LNG['group_desc_less'] = 'Group description should be less than %s characters';
  828. $LNG['group_delete_desc'] = 'Deleting a group will also delete its messages along with their content.';
  829. $LNG['group_deleted'] = 'The group <strong>%s</strong> has been deleted';
  831. $LNG['invite_friends'] = 'Invite Friends';
  833. // PROFILE
  834. $LNG['profile_not_exists'] = 'Sorry, but this profile does not exists.';
  835. $LNG['group_not_exists'] = 'Sorry, but this group does not exists.';
  836. $LNG['page_not_exists'] = 'Sorry, but this page does not exists.';
  837. $LNG['profile_semi_private'] = 'Sorry, but this profile is private, only the friends of this user can view the profile.';
  838. $LNG['profile_private'] = 'Sorry, but this profile is completely private.';
  839. $LNG['profile_suspended'] = 'Sorry, but this profile has been suspended.';
  840. $LNG['profile_not_exists_ttl'] = 'Profile does not exists.';
  841. $LNG['group_not_exists_ttl'] = 'Group does not exists.';
  842. $LNG['profile_semi_private_ttl'] = 'Private profile';
  843. $LNG['profile_private_ttl'] = 'Private profile';
  844. $LNG['profile_suspended_ttl'] = 'Suspended Profile';
  845. $LNG['profile_blocked'] = 'Sorry, but you have blocked or been blocked by this user.';
  846. $LNG['profile_blocked_ttl'] = 'Blocked profile';
  847. $LNG['add_friend'] = 'Add as friend';
  848. $LNG['remove_friend'] = 'Remove friend';
  849. $LNG['friend_request_sent'] = 'Friend request sent';
  850. $LNG['friend_request_accept'] = 'Accept friend request';
  851. $LNG['created_on'] = 'Created on';
  852. $LNG['description'] = 'Description';
  853. $LNG['profile_about'] = 'About';
  854. $LNG['profile_birthdate'] = 'Birthdate';
  855. $LNG['lives_in'] = 'Lives in';
  856. $LNG['born_on'] = 'Born on';
  857. $LNG['studied_at'] = 'Studied at';
  858. $LNG['works_at'] = 'Works at';
  859. $LNG['profile_view_site'] = 'View website';
  860. $LNG['profile_view_profile'] = 'View Profile';
  861. $LNG['profile_bio'] = 'Bio';
  862. $LNG['verified_page'] = 'Verified Page';
  863. $LNG['edit_profile_cover'] = 'Change Profile Images';
  864. $LNG['view_all_notifications'] = 'View More Notifications';
  865. $LNG['view_chat_notifications'] = 'View More Messages';
  866. $LNG['view_confirmed_friendships'] = 'View confirmed requests';
  867. $LNG['close_notifications'] = 'Close Notifications';
  868. $LNG['notifications_settings'] = 'Notifications Settings';
  869. $LNG['no_notifications'] = 'No notifications';
  870. $LNG['search_title'] = 'Search Results';
  871. $LNG['view_all_results'] = 'View All Results';
  872. $LNG['close_results'] = 'Close Results';
  873. $LNG['no_results'] = 'No results available. Try another search.';
  874. $LNG['no_results_ttl'] = 'Search Results';
  875. $LNG['search_for_users'] = 'Search for users';
  876. $LNG['search_in_friends'] = 'Search in friends';
  877. $LNG['type_message'] = 'Type a message...';
  878. $LNG['follows'] = 'Follows';
  879. $LNG['followed_by'] = 'Followed by';
  880. $LNG['people'] = 'people';
  881. $LNG['no_info_avail'] = 'No information available';
  882. $LNG['account_suspended'] = 'This account is currently suspended.';
  883. $LNG['account_not_activated'] = 'This account is not activated. <a href="%s">Click here</a> to resend the activation email.';
  884. $LNG['re_activate_already'] = 'An activation email has already been sent today';
  885. $LNG['re_activate_sent'] = 'An activation email has been sent';
  887. // GENERAL
  888. $LNG['title_profile'] = 'Profile';
  889. $LNG['title_feed'] = 'News Feed';
  890. $LNG['title_post'] = 'Post';
  891. $LNG['title_messages'] = 'Messages';
  892. $LNG['title_settings'] = 'Settings';
  893. $LNG['title_search'] = 'Search';
  894. $LNG['title_notifications'] = 'Notifications';
  895. $LNG['title_page'] = 'Create Page';
  896. $LNG['title_group'] = 'Create Group';
  897. $LNG['title_admin'] = 'Admin';
  898. $LNG['edit'] = 'Edit';
  899. $LNG['delete'] = 'Delete';
  900. $LNG['suspended'] = 'Suspended';
  901. $LNG['ignore'] = 'Ignore';
  902. $LNG['view'] = 'View';
  903. $LNG['timeline'] = 'Timeline';
  904. $LNG['on'] = 'On';
  905. $LNG['off'] = 'Off';
  906. $LNG['yes'] = 'Yes';
  907. $LNG['no'] = 'No';
  908. $LNG['none'] = 'None';
  909. $LNG['pages'] = 'Pages';
  910. $LNG['search_for_people'] = 'search people, #hashtags';
  911. $LNG['search_pages'] = ', @pages';
  912. $LNG['search_groups'] = ', !groups';
  913. $LNG['new_message'] = 'New message';
  914. $LNG['privacy_policy'] = 'Privacy Policy';
  915. $LNG['terms_of_use'] = 'Terms of Use';
  916. $LNG['about'] = 'About';
  917. $LNG['disclaimer'] = 'Disclaimer';
  918. $LNG['contact'] = 'Contact';
  919. $LNG['developers'] = 'Developers';
  920. $LNG['language'] = 'Language';
  922. // TIME
  923. $LNG['just_now'] = 'just now';
  924. $LNG['ta_second'] = 'a second';
  925. $LNG['ta_seconds'] = '%d seconds';
  926. $LNG['ta_minute'] = 'a minute';
  927. $LNG['ta_minutes'] = '%d minutes';
  928. $LNG['ta_hour'] = 'an hour';
  929. $LNG['ta_hours'] = '%d hours';
  930. $LNG['ta_day'] = 'a day';
  931. $LNG['ta_days'] = '%d days';
  932. $LNG['ta_week'] = 'a week';
  933. $LNG['ta_weeks'] = '%d weeks';
  934. $LNG['ta_month'] = 'a month';
  935. $LNG['ta_months'] = '%d months';
  936. $LNG['ta_year'] = 'a year';
  937. $LNG['ta_years'] = '%d years';
  938. $LNG['ago'] = 'ago';
  940. // MONTHS
  941. $LNG['month'] = 'Month';
  942. $LNG['year'] = 'Year';
  943. $LNG['day'] = 'Day';
  944. $LNG['month_1'] = 'January';
  945. $LNG['month_2'] = 'February';
  946. $LNG['month_3'] = 'March';
  947. $LNG['month_4'] = 'April';
  948. $LNG['month_5'] = 'May';
  949. $LNG['month_6'] = 'June';
  950. $LNG['month_7'] = 'July';
  951. $LNG['month_8'] = 'August';
  952. $LNG['month_9'] = 'September';
  953. $LNG['month_10'] = 'October';
  954. $LNG['month_11'] = 'November';
  955. $LNG['month_12'] = 'December';
  956. ?>

Hamarosan új pluginok lesznek ki terjesztve! :)

A hozzászólást 1 alkalommal szerkesztették, utoljára Pika 2020.04.04. 17:41-kor.
Valakinek nagyon unatkoznia kell, hogy ezt mind lefordítsa. :,D

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